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Dieting January 1st

I am going on a strict lentil and rice diet. 1) I will write blogs about my diet. 2) I will share my learned wisdom and knowledge on the subject. 3) If anyone eats anything else, I will criticize them. 4) I will make it a moral point to interrupt dinners and educate people on my diet. I will be loved by all!

Communist rule in Canada

I wonder if we're almost there. City Hall would love it. Only art events for the filthy rich and corrupt, as they go to their banquets and discuss moral philosophy, over business and wine. Just like the good old days.

Why do I still Miss You?

I wish I could forget you altogether. Dies anyone have a cure? A foolproof way to forget someone? I wish I could sever this unhealthy attachment to you. Missing you every day is killing my soul.

2018...a rough year

I’m spending my winter break in my pajamas and indoors, recovering from a crazy year. Basically nursing injuries on my soul, my perseverance, my belief in my colleagues and employer, changes to my family such as job loss, divorce, strokes, cancer, financial stresses. I was in no mood to party this Xmas and avoided the merrymaking. If Life can beat you up in the alley on your way to work, that was pretty much me for most of the year. Still had to continue on when I had no spirit for anything. I showed up but was not there. Looking forward to closing 2018 for good and to not revisit this chapter again. Still trying to figure out what the moral of the 2018 story was besides just wanting to be at home in my PJs looking for quiet comfort and emotional healing. I’m a fairly strong person but this year almost broke me. The days are now slowly getting longer, and I hope that I can emerge out of the darkness and live in the light again soon.


For someone who claimed he needs to work on himself as much as I need to work on myself, he sure moved from our relationship and onto the next one fast. Single for what, three months? Four? After we were together for almost two years and seriously talked about marriage and kids? Nice to know I'm so easily replaceable.


Will be completely free from the destruction you left in my life. I am leaving you and everything about you in the past. If I see you again, you will be unrecognized. You’re welcome.

an ephiphany

I'm away in another province to be with my elderly parents for Christmas. They are deteriorating rapidly. I don't want to go that way when I'm at the end of my life....coupled with the fact that I do not have/ never will have any friends, hobbies, a social life, a girlfriend, anything, and all I do is work at an all-encompassing, all-consuming job that I despise....I've decided that the last day of my `career' will also be the last day of my life. I have fifteen years left in my career- the night I walk out of the building for the last time, will be the last night of my life. I'd go now but for my folks. Ugh.

Car Alarm Rant

Sorry - more of a rant than a confession. I wish that the manufacturers of car alarm security systems incorporated voice and/or text message notifications for the car's registered owners so that every time their alarm went off, their phones would let them know. One of my neighbors has guests over for Xmas and one of their car's alarm systems decided to start going off every half hour starting at 2AM. By 4Am, it became apparent that no one was going to do anything about it so I had to phone the police non-emergency number to make a noise complaint. (If I had known who owned the car I would have knocked on their door myself but didn't know which house the car owner was in.) Before calling the police, I had to go outside in my slippers in the rain to get the license plate number, make, and model of the car so the police would know who to ticket and tow if the alarm couldn't be stopped or the owner couldn't be located. Then I waited around for the police to show up. I chatted with the very nice police officer until the stupid alarm went off again like clockwork. At this point I went back to bed as I was soaked and freezing. I guess the officer was able to figure out who owned the car and where they were - eventually someone fixed the damn car and I was finally able to go back to sleep around 6AM. Now I'm useless today and still annoyed (obviously). I don't understand how you can sleep through a car alarm shrieking outside your front door, repeatedly, for almost four hours in the middle of the freaking night. Going to need a nap for sure.

Climbing back out

I admit I’m a woman with her sh*t together. I have friends, family, a job I love and believe me, I’m grateful for all I’ve been blessed with. The only teensy weensy fly in the ointment is the fact that I don’t have a partner to share life’s ups and downs with. I finally broke free of someone who’s been breadcrumbing me for years. Always I thought, the more effort I put in, he’d finally turn around and see how much I offer. Too bad my self esteem had to take such a hit, now I’m at the point where I just don’t trust. Time to put that love into the people (including myself) who want to see me succeed. Just wish I had that intimate partner to share it all with.. plus I really miss sex!


Misandry vs Misogyny one is a means to an end one is a means OF one's end one is illegal one is lauded it is but yours to choose


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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