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Nostalgia rising.

I am loving how the need for nostalgia is helping long forgotten artists of all denominations somehow get a rebirth. While many of the previously retired bands I love have come back, it is in watching a recent video of one half of Milli Vanilli playing to a packed crowd of people singing along. Not in a way that belittles the one hit wonder mentality, but a crowd singing along purely for the joy of singing a song they love. That the '90's hero's are getting some sudden ability to go touring when their careers had long since crashed, is beautiful.

I flirt with everyone

Every body I talk to, every cashier, every worker, every front end person, every everyone. I find many more people flirt right back than pre pandemic. The thing is, because I flirt without prejudice, it seems people feel safe flirting right back. Especially the people who are there day in day out. I have not been told "I'm married" or any of those types of things in recent times. Being isolated with the same person for 3 years maybe isn't the confidence booster it was a few years ago. Beautiful smiles, beautiful people. Guy, girl and every person in in the in-between I will flirt with y'all.

Good riddance

A while back, I recognized a red flag coworker from my past. She was not the easiest person to deal with, so I just turned my head the other way, and walked right past that woman as though she didn’t even exist. Haven’t seen her since, but one thing is for sure. If I never see that woman ever again in my lifetime, it will be too soon.


Why do I get this strange feeling that people who write a hashtag and put the words “mental health awareness” are not actually practising what they preach?

Old photos of Vancouver versus today

It makes me think we seriously f*dged up. Like, royally. We're just letting it go downhill into the gutter and we paint it as so wonderful and progressive.

I Don't Know Why

But watching a video about someone's very cool build of their own antikythera device made me extremely horny. Like what the fuck.

Work life

I really don’t have any sentiment towards former coworkers whatsoever. It’s not callousness or anything like that. To me, coworkers are basically just the people that come and go.

Inner peace/outer pieces

Every time I have personal self confidence, the world kicks the shit out of me and won't let me have it. This winter I went in with more self confidence than I have had, both from unrelenting resilience but also from personal place in the world. From the start of September EVERYTHING fell apart. My car broke down, my bike broke down, my home broke down, my job broke down, my school broke down. But none of that stopped me, none of that hurt my confidence, yet the world has equalled the amount of ass kicking I've taking for a good 6-8 months. The world can't take one thing from me. Having found inner peace. It can beat me to a pull on the outside, but having found inner happiness, even once in this life time means I know the feeling. I assume the world and reality won't stopped, but neither will I.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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