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Because of my gender (female) and my orientation (straight), I accept that I will not find love because as a woman, I am perceived to be somebody who will take half of a man's assets just by saying hello to him. There is nothing I can do to change this perception. I am afraid that if I pay for everything in a relationship and basically pay a man to be in a relationship with me, it will be emasculating. I don't want to do that to a man, either, because that breeds resentment. I might just have to switch teams.

Crazy Anons

I would never date anyone that posts on these anonymous confession sites. They're all crazy. All of them except me. I'm the only sane person around here.

Thank you, Universe

Two weeks ago I was absolutely shattered and today I have a wonderful new opportunity to look forward to. Maybe sometimes bad things happen as a way to push you out of your comfort zone and towards a new and better direction. Lemons, meet Vodka Lemonade!

Just venting

I'm really into this guy I've been having casual sex with. He knows it, and he's been clear he's not interested in dating. I'm glad he's honest, but I'm so disappointed. I *know* he's not going to change his mind all of a sudden and that I should stop sleeping with him because I'm just getting my hopes up... but I can't. I've been doing the online dating thing, but I don't get along with other guys (conversationally and sexually) as well as I do with him. I know I need to break it off before I really fall for him, hard. But... sigh.

I deserve love

I have three young children from previous relationships and finding time to date is a challenge. I just get really lonely. I love my kids but I crave a man to hold me at night and be my partner. I just keep holding out and hoping there is a guy who will love me for me.

Shit or get off the pot

We've been together for 5 years now and I love you with all my heart but when will you propose?

Female only??!!???

If it isn’t hard enough finding affordable housing in Vancouver but so many places are making it much harder because of my gender. Girls can be bad housemates too. Give guys a chance, we are not all bastards.

Moving On

I found out that the guy I like might have a girlfriend. I really liked him a lot and thought he was gonna ask me out, but I guess he was just being nice since he is a friendly/funny person. At least I can move on now and focus on myself and the future. There are more important things to think about, like where I am gonna travel to on my upcoming vacation this summer. Any cool vacation suggestions? (preferably somewhere affordable in Canada or the U.S.)


Tenacity, stubborness, persistance, persistance, or whatever you want to call it has kept me alive. It isn’t easy fighting your own brain every single day of your existance, nor are you safe from the battle in your dreams. I am going to keep slaying these demons till I can be myself again and go with the flow


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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