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First sober Christmas

In several decades. No embarrassing scenes, no vomiting, no depression. Feels good.

An amazing new year we're stepping in!

A minority individual calls you a bastard - this is a freedom of speech. You call him one - this is racism. A foreigner calls you a bastard - this is a freedom of speech. You call him one - this is aggression. Someone is shitting on your head - this is tolerance. You are asking her/him to stop - this is intolerance. A woman beats a man up - this is gender equality. A man beats a woman up - this is domestic violence.

I'm Married

That's all. It feels strange. I'm having trouble adjusting to the new words. Wife, husband, spouse.

How the

I don't understand how people manage to do it all. People with jobs, relationships, houses, families. I barely have the energy to keep a houseplant alive.

Found a good metaphor

Dating in Vancouver is a lot like dumpster diving. You have to sort through a ton of garbage to find a treasure, like a crumpled up winning lottery ticket. Some people get lucky and find one right away, others have to keep going and going. Some get tired and settle on a piece of semi-decent garbage. Some might never find anything of value. Some are happy to play with the garbage they find, not hoping to find anything of value anyway. Some find a treasure and don’t value it because they don’t realize the value of what they’ve found. Some find a treasure, then go back to the dumpster because they think they can find something better still. (Just to clarify, I’m not calling people garbage, I’m referring to the quality of connection.) So I think it’s understandable that a lot of us are so tired. And to all of those who’ve found their treasure, please do treasure it.

Spending Christmas alone

And it’s great! Started the day at the gym, got 3 movies lined up, lots of Chinese food. I’ve recently begun really embracing solitary time. My mental health has improved significantly. All you lonely folks out there this time of year, it’s all in your attitude. Happy Holidays everyone!

Not rocket science

I confess that I’m always confused when I read posts from men saying that women are too picky because they want to be with attractive men. They whine and complain that they’re being overlooked because they’re not attractive and they accuse women of only being in it for money and other insulting rhetoric. What I don’t understand is why those guys can’t understand that it’s just human behaviour to want to be with people you’re attracted to. How many good looking men go out in search of unattractive women to be with? Even unattractive men expect to be with a beautiful woman and if she ignores him it’s because she’s a bitch. The reality is that most people are likely going to wind up with someone who is close to them in the looks category. At least men have the advantage of being able to purchase good looking women (let’s face it, very few beautiful young women are with a homely poor guy) , whereas how often do you see homely women with a hot young guy? Before you all begin pointing out those few anomalies, I’m talking about the average, not the exception.

A thought

The more I know, the less I understand.


I saw a tweet asking what is the kindest thing somebody has done for you this year. I couldn’t think of anything that anybody close to me has done. The only thing that came to my mind was my chiropractor

Cannabis Dispensaries

The previous post prompted me to post my recent experience. I suffer extremely from inflammation I’ve been hearing over and over how cbd oil is good for this. I went through the proper channels , went to a cannabis clinic , saw a Dr , got a script, ordered online from one of their recommended suppliers. After 11 days of this at 1/4 the dose I started feeling really toxic. I am super sensitive to pesticides I don’t believe this is organic as claimed to be. $80 down the drain They are all unregulated , I just can’t waste more money on a repeat experience with another company. Disappointing as I was hoping this would really help me.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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