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City craziness?

I never thought it would happen, but I have a big desire to move somewhere more quiet. If I spend too much time in Metro Vancouver, I just feel crazy. Time to get a plan started I guess.

Happy Being Asexual

Got a confession for you. I'm a thirty something year old virgin who finds sex repulsive. I'm not shameful about it. I don't care if you fuck, but I could never let someone roll around pounding my vagina like that. It just feels like such a fucked up thing to like. It's hilarious to me that it's a big deal to everyone. Life is so silly sometimes. Some of the things we value just boggle my mind. Giving birth doesn't change my position on how I feel about it either. I really don't want kids. I think I'm going to die alone.......oh well.

Am I the only one?

I feel like the only person in the world who isn't into skiing and snowboarding.

Dark days

I'm in a really bad place right now. I don't have anyone to talk to. Every time I think I feel a connection with a partner or love interest they just evaporate and leave me feeling confused and discarded. I work in a very social company, but mainly work alone. Nobody calls, texts, messages, emails, sends letters; no carrier pigeons. I'm always alone. Any party, social event; every wedding or dinner - alone. I don't even bother anymore. No-one even noticed when I left my own birthday party last year. The place I live now I'm paying the most rent I've ever paid and still have to share a flat with two others. One of them is great but the other is very inconsiderate and passive aggressive towards only me. If it's just the two of us they will avoid eye contact and will not speak to me until someone else is in the room. They will wake me up nearly every morning by stomping, slamming, talking right outside my room - a complete lack of consideration. This roommate also has a partner that still lives at home, so they are over every night. If it is just me home the two of them will make talk loudly late at night, but only if it's just me home. And when my roommate leaves in the morning their partner remains until late morning just sleeping in and getting high. I have no privacy. It's gotten to the point where I can feel my blood pressure rise in the midst of this leach. I've been going to work early just to calm down! I need out of this situation, i can feel the toll it is taking on my health. I'm getting really angry all the time now and I don't like what I'm becoming. On top of the chronic depression I've lived/struggled with my entire adult life I'm finding it difficult to cope. Thanks for listening confessions readers. This is all I got right now.

You know why people are so sick this winter?

Because they work two part-time jobs and don't have benefits, and so come to work sick, getting customers and colleagues sick. C'mon employers! Think about your front line-pay them well (so they can spend locally), train them well (inspire their confidence) and give'em benefits (access to a few days of sick pay) and at least the opportunity to apply for full-time work (a modicum of peace of mind). Folks-if you've been in your current line of work for at least one year and have not received a performance evaluation and a raise-type up a one-pager describing your contributions to your workplace and ask for a meeting with your supervisor/applicable person. Nobody is a mind-reader, so state your case and ask for specific amount of raise. Ask for training. Ask to be alerted of new roles so you can apply. State one goal you'd like to achieve this year and ask for their help to attain it. Be polite. Say thank you. Follow up. Learn to negotiate. If even the idea of this has you quakin' in yer boots, practice with a supportive person you know. I believe in you. All the best for 2018, y'all. xo

need to make a confession? here's my suggestion *perspective/affecting change*

it's kind of a bummer to see so many negative posts about people's relationship/ co worker woes, I get it, we all have em. But chances are if you're posting on an anonymous confessional expecting to affect change in the issue- perhaps the gap you haven't considered is that of maybe.. i don't know, talking to them? using your words? maybe your defense is that you have, but did you listen to the reaction? do they understand what they've done? If this person is so important to you, could it be possible their interpretations and way of perceiving is different than yours? Pay attention. Are they upset too? 1) People just aren't mind readers. But they want to understand; chances are if they too are affected by your issue, maybe they aren't seeing it from your perspective, ask yourself if you've made yourself clear. and 2) People also assume it's common sense to know expectations are obvious, or how things should be handled, it's emotionally exhausting for you to explain, and it's emotionally exhausting for them to keep having to guess. 3) Some people lack empathy. Run. you can't expect resolve from a bitter rant to resolve the issue- it's like chugging poison and expecting the other person to die, festering in your own misery. If the issue truly warrants resolve, and you care enough about this person to post a confession that warrants resolve: Find out a way together to say what you mean, have either of you taken the time to understand each other's way of perception? people are not inherently bad inside- sometimes they just need a little more from you, and you need to give it to them, to get a little more of what you want. but my oh my if you kids said to them what you do here, you'd be getting that message across- If you are hurting right now, I'm sorry. But watching so many missed opportunities go by in fear of being vulnerable, will only keep you trapped in the cycle. sometimes it's a tough pill to swallow. Choose to Accept what you cannot change, and be open to meeting halfway if it's that important to you.

Cowardly Man

You turned out to be a liar. Married with kids, seriously! Who does that! And then give some lame excuse about realizing that your wife needs your support and attention! Well, duh! Of course she does! But maybe you could have realized it before lying and cheating for over a year. You have wasted my life and crushed my heart and now you won’t even hear me out!! It’s taking every ounce of will power to not blow up her phone with all of your lovely selfies you sent me!! This really hurts.

My Health

Dear Canada, I have a fistula. A painful, inconvenient disease of the rectum. Not too fun to talk about. Even less fun to have. I have had it for seven years because there is no effective or safe treatment for it available in Canada. The best is 70% effectiveness, if they will do it, and with a high rate of lifelong incontinence. There is an effective treatment for this disease. It is 99% effective with no risk of incontinence, no anaestetic, no slicing of sensitive muscles. The only problem? It's not available in Canada. It is kshar sutra, for this I must go to India. So, Canada, so much for free health care. I'm lucky enough that after 7 years of suffering, I can afford thousands of dollars and 2-3 months off work to go get a simple treatment on the other side of the world that I for so long have wished was available here.

Me, direct and honest

I recently realized how I've grown appendages as adaptions to my inability to be direct with other people (and indeed with myself). But now it's high time to let go of being the monster I've become, so that I might become a more honest person, even at the risk of upsetting some people. No more hiding, no more passive-aggressive.

It’s not too late

If you want to follow your dreams it’s not too late. If you want to go on date, travel, move away from Vancouver, eat something yummy. Just do it. Don’t wait.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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