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Once upon a time

There was this guy who was playing two women at the same time. He thought he was having everything he wanted, but he didn’t realize that they would both dump him as soon as they figured it out. What was that quote from Bob Marley again? Something like “”The biggest coward of a man is one who awakens the love of a woman without the intention of loving her.” By the way, to the other woman…you should know that he was definitely sexual with me, no matter what bullshit he’s feeding you.

My dog

My dog taught me that it's okay to be myself. I am naturally very affectionate. This was discouraged and looked down upon when I was growing up. I love you Rosie. You help me every day.

My Past

I came to the realization recently that I have a lot of stuff filling up my life, books records, knickknacks, things that represent a past I no longer live in and probably will never revisit again. Why do I keep this stuff, in case I get nostalgic in my old age? Do I really need to hold on to that stuffy an ex, who hasn't been my life for 20 years, gave me? That Midnight Oil CD that's collecting dust on the shelf? There's just so much of it, I don't know where to begin. And no, don't mention Marie Kondo, I find her annoying. Let the great purge begin!

Male chastity

Recently I have discovered that the idea of surrendering my sexual release to my wife by a male chastity turns me on. We both really don’t have any kinks in this direction. I’m quite confused now and don’t know what to think of me as a man. I’m questioning, is this just a fantasy or something more, but there is no easy way to figure this out. From what I found on the internet it requires quite a commitment from both partners. There is a big difference if you put this just for short play time, or for long time that follows with change in the dynamics of the relationship. So finally, my question is did you went through the process and what was your experience, was it worth it? Thank you very much for sharing.

Not really a Confession in the traditional sense

But a bit of commentary. As a cis lesbian I feel drag kings, lesbians, non binary folx 2 spirited people in the indigenous communities & those in the trans community are being thrown under the bus sort sort of speak what with the stuff regarding drag shows with drag queens, why is it always about drag queens? Where are the drag kings? The LGBTQ2s community is not just drag queens...... anyways my little commentary.

Someone else with the same name

When I see a movie in a theatre I always read the credits to see if someone with the same name as me shows up. So far I guess I’m the only one with my name.

In Love

I met this guy and went back to my place and he was amazing in bed. I orgasmed about 20 times in one night. Now he wants to meet up again and am I stupid for thinking he isn't sleeping with other women? Could he just only be sleeping with me? I am starting to fall for this man.

Weird Belly Fetish

I'm not generally attracted to overweight women. I'm not trying to shame here, but it just doesn't do anything for me. I'm also not typically turned on by skinny women. But a skinny woman with a bit of a belly... the rarest of combinations. The frog girl hotty... WOW. I guess we can't choose what makes the fireworks.

BC Place

In so called 'primitive' societies there is a hut where women on the rag hang out and I was thinking we could use BC Place stadium for this since it just sits there empty most of the time.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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