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Nice Guys

Its so hard meeting a nice guy here. I am an introvert so I am not into going to clubs and bars. I like reading books, going to the library, and cycling. I want to get married one day and have a big family. All the guys I seem to meet are only into drinking and sports. I am a devout Christian as well. Dating is hard but I am going to find you.

Good morning

I always text my gf a cute good morning message, or simply just a hello, or anything, whatever. I've told her it makes me feel good when she sends me something cute for me to wake up to, too. The thing that bothers me is that she'll wake up, read my message, leave me on read for like an hour, and be on instagram and facebook. Then she'll send me a good morning like an hour or 2 later. It bothers me. Do I have a right to be bothered? Should I just accept that I'm not a priority first thing in the morning? If it's a weekday and she's rushing to get to work, fine, maybe mindless scrolling is how she wants to start her day rather than making an effort to actually write something. I just don't get why it's such a burden to just say good morning every day :/

The heart cannot be repressed

You can try all you want. Then, unexpected feelings shoot up and weird reactions affect everything. And when you stop repressing your heart, everything will make sense, you will feel great joy and everything will heal. Ask anyone who came out of the closet.


Is treated like is part of our (indigenous) ancestral diet, but it’s European and is quite unhealthy for our bodies. A Scottish fry bread covered in Mexican fixings made by Indigenous peoples is called and “Indian Taco”- figure that one out

To me

You look hotter without your eye liner and other makeup. Please stop putting so much on. You are the most beautiful without any make up (or very little)


What is it about someone in a work uniform? My postman with his sexy calves and forearms like a Disney prince! Or the bartender with the nice button up shirt and tie. Dont even get me started with the guys at the fire station. Maybe they're hardworking men with something I need?

Fairly sad

My life must be so boring. The majority of my personal screen time goes toward scrolling Facebook, Confessions, I Saw You’s and Missed Connections I think I’m missing something, LOL

Child climate change activists

I'm 34 years old and starting to notice more climate change activism from CHILDREN. Examples of this are school children who recently confronted US Senator Feinstein and 16 year old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg going on strike from her school and starting a global movement. This makes perfect sense to me, the old guard baby-boomer centrist/conservatives and global political elite powerful class (see China, Saudi Arabia, Republicans etc.) are so concerned about elections and not scaring voters by taking radical (and much needed) action on climate change. They care more about winning elections than enacting legislation that is 100% needed to avoid the worst effects of climate change. So naturally, we have failed these kids, and they have decided to take their own actions. Kids should be playing, studying, learning to play an instrument, socializing etc. It is the aforementioned powerful, wealthy people, politically connected people who should be taking action, but they aren't. Sure there climate summits every year, sure we had a Paris climate accord. But all the real peer reviewed science out there tells us that Paris doesn't even come close to going far enough. These kids get it, they'll be the ones dealing with the climate chaos, the effects of which I can't even imagine. My brother just had a baby, I wonder what sort of world he'll live in 40 years from now? Scary isn't it? We need to treat the climate crisis like WWII/Nazis, because this climate crisis is much much worse than that. It will touch the entire planet. During WWII the civilized world banded together and entire societies got behind the war effort. This created many manufacturing jobs in the USA for example, and boomed their struggling economy. Why are we not looking at this problem in the same way? If I could be hired and trained tomorrow to be a solar panel technician, I would sign up right away. Create jobs and solve the crisis!


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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