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Don't Get It

So, the other day I was at a restaurant with a male friend, and the waitress referred to us as "boys," "what do you boys want?" I've heard feminists go off about being called "girls" and how they will say "I'm sorry, I've already menstruated, so I'm a woman." Literally, they will do these things, in public, if any man dares to call them a "girl." Somehow, tho, I managed to just deal with it---and you know, if I didn't have friends who were toxic feminists, I would _never have noticed at all_. It's sad that we cannot avoid the corruption of our nervous system by all of this bollox.


I hate Christmas so much. It's the most miserable time of the year for my family. I'm not buying anything for anyone this year. Maybe a card and some lotto tickets. My family sucks and don't deserve anything. I also hate the commercialism, it really nauseates me. January is always so shitty because people are depressed from being broke. I'm not doing that to myself this year. Hell no.

I had what was coming...

I havent had the chance to go out lookinh gor people. So I decided to tryout.. Tinder. And ehat a burden it was. Im a single, early twenties girl who just wanted to meet different types of people. Couple months passed,talked to a few people anf only met up with 2 out of the 15. First one was not something I was looking for, but the second... oh boy. He was the one. When wr met up we had such awkward conversations and a ton of coincidences happen. An enormous amount. and i thought it was okay.. not weird. Anyways, when we we hung out again, I knew someyhing was going to happen. It was a bit forward but I came ovet to his house and we did it. I lost my virginity and I may be pregnant. Its something I can nevet forget. But the othet thing is ... he ghosted me after. Hmm, what a week.

Walmart: home of the leftovers

I'll never forget when I witnessed some cashier at Walmart being so incredibly rude to an elderly guy. She acted like a hostile bitch & 3 quarters. This man totally owned her and said, "So Walmart is where the all the leftovers end up." Someone had to say it and I'm glad he did. Next time don't come to work with an attitude. And the fact that you're making minimum wage is your problem, not ours. Life is what you make of it.

Stop talking to yourself

My neighbor talked to himself out loud at 7am and woke up me up. So I fixed him good. I opened the window and yelled out loud, "Shut up out there!!" Things got quiet very fast. But seriously! People need to get some sleep. What a stupid idiot.

So glad I'm having kids

Unlike those materialistic kids, who just want to buy useless junk and get drunk until the end of their life.

Something I Noticed

Combination of total vote count summary equals large or little interest of such said "Title" and "confession.

Comedy Courage

Anyone remember Comedy Courage? It's a benefit concert where people with mental problems went on stage and cracked jokes at being in the psych ward. It used to be quite prevalent at Lafflines Comedy Club. They had annual bookings at hotels in Downtown Vancouver and Surrey every year. All of the comics were pretty much nuts. Even the guy who created the show had some screws loose, hence a drinking problem which made it quite entertaining! But then what happened? There were no new shows after a while. Haven't heard anything about them at all. The website went dormant and the creator just dropped off the radar without so much as a 'so long'. Given the trajectory he was on I wouldn't be surprised if he is in psychiatric care, a substance abuse program, dead of a heart attack, or combination of all of the above. Anyone know the real story?

I don't want to make you money right now, thanks

I feel kind of like a commodity when these junior tech recruiters call me up and use their fear tactics on me. I'm not sure where they get the idea that I'm meant to play by their rules, but I'm not interested nor hungry enough to bend over and take it for them. G'bye


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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