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Do women really like to peg a man?

I've always wanted to be pegged by a woman, but I've never met a woman who was interested. Do women really like to peg men, or is it another story men have made up about women?

Sometimes i wonder

- where did we come from before we were born? - why are we in this world? - where do we go next?

The best sense of community I have felt in years...

...was in detox for alcohol abuse. There we all were in lock down together, not allowed to go out (if you did, you were not allowed back in), beautifully vulnerable, extremely open, with only each other to eat meals with and talk with and be real with. No cell phones allowed. No internet available. One old-fashioned telephone that you were lucky to get to use, just to dial up someone you knew and loved and have a real conversation instead of texting. Nothing except each other and our struggle to get through the agonizing physical process together and talk about how we wanted to be better people; how we got there; how sensitive we all were and therefore how we self-medicated. We opened up to each other within hours of meeting; we took whatever meagre art therapy and yoga classes were offered; we spent hours chatting with no distractions. We were all human together, open, wonderful, supportive, non-judgmental, and real. There were nurses and workers around the clock always there to listen, to offer support and reassurance. If there was ever an inkling of violence or bad energy, that person would be firmly escorted out of there. And of course it happened; of course there was the odd person threatening violence or smuggling in drugs / alcohol. They were evicted swiftly. The critical thing was human bonding, wellness, healing, and togetherness. It was boring and endless at times because of the lack of computers and phones, wherein we had only conversation, books, some bad movies, and occasional classes to take together. Amazing how dull life seems when you only have other human beings to spend time with and talk with. /s/ Hours and hours in a small place, getting along and being as real with each other in a way I've never known before. Nothing in the outside world will ever be like that for me, ever again. It was a somewhat twisted form of a microcosmic, technology- and distraction-free, entirely unpretentious and accepting human utopia. It may sound crazy, but try it sometime.

Isn't Globalism Wonderful!!!

Make the population hopeless, drug-addicted, non-reproducing, docile and self-euthanizing. Import cheap labour as needed. Endless Profit!

Give It UP

When your sex life gets boring from sameness, something's got to give. Men will cheat and so will women. Cheating causes distrust, anger and eventually divorce. There is a better solution. Give each other the freedom to enjoy sex with other people. It is as simple as that! I knew my wife was in need of sex and I also knew that there was a black guy I play golf with who had his eye on my wife. One day, on the golf course I told him my wife was hot for his bod. He said, well, I must admit I would love to fuck your wife. I then said, well, I will look the other way if you do. I told my wife about that exchange and she hugged me and said, I love you! The sex they began having was so satisfying for my wife that we no longer argued. I had always had the hots for her sister and I told my wife that and she said she knew it. Her husband was away on a business trip and we invited her over. After some wine and sex talk I began feeling her up and right there in front of my wife we fucked our brains out. Now, we both have great sex lives and our marriage is a lot stronger.

Refugee of the Me generation

It appears that I’ve spent my life in a state of suspended self-absorption. Now, how do I break free?

Ain't social vs socialism

Unsure exactly how one works seeing that it's never been allowed to flourish. When we witness the other it seems to take us back way back

Double standards

I’ve been reading confessions for about 1 1/2 years now, and what I’m noticing is that there seems to be a core group of extremely angry men posting all the time about how all Vancouver women are so terrible, that all they care about is money and looks, and of course that all women just want to use a guy while they sit on their asses filing their nails and waiting until they can take him for everything. I’ve never read so much bs in one place! What has always amused me at the same time as it annoys me, is this total double standard that none of these guys ever seem to acknowledge: they claim that they’re such “good guys” (even though they obviously hate women), and that the only reason they’re not getting attention is because women are “too picky” and only want guys who look good and have money. What they fail to ever mention when they’re ranting about how terrible all women are and how they’re just overlooked, is that the vast majority of men, regardless of how they look or whether they even have a job at all, still think they’re entitled to the best looking women! Are these guys out there approaching an average-looking, no makeup, dowdy clothes, overweight woman? Highly doubtful! All the whining about themselves and all their friends who are (in their minds anyway), deserving of amazing women but are hard done by because the “chads” get all of them, don’t even consider the possibility that the vast majority of women don’t look like their dream girl any more than they look like dream guys! They seem to think that they’re somehow entitled to any woman they desire, and because they’re being overlooked it’s only because women are evil. The harsh reality is that in the world of dating, of course looks count, and I’d venture a guess to say that they count much more for men than they do for women. Not to mention that men also have this “laundry list” of wants just like they accuse the the evil women of having! Except of course they not only want the woman to be fit and gorgeous, they also want her to earn a fabulous income, be willing to pay for at least half of everything if not more, AND, be willing to do the lion’s share of all domestic chores, while being meek and subservient to the guy. So really guys, who are you kidding besides yourselves? It’s not that women are evil simply because they also want to date attractive people, it’s that you can’t handle having women be so much like you. I mean, if you can’t see us as evil aliens, then you might have to acknowledge that we’re just lowly humans just like you.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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