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Dental Costs

Over the last 10 years, I have paid over $50,000 in dental costs including surgeries like having wisdom teeth removed. I have extended dental :(

Gone But Not Forgotten

I’ve lost friends in the past couple years due to some foolish decisions made on my part. One in particular. To stay in a situation that is causing me a great deal of stress. Recently my closest friend cut me off. What I knew would happen if I continued down this path is happening. I thought somewhere deep down it wouldn’t and now that it is, I’m getting scared. Hopefully I don’t fall too far down the rabbit hole. I’ve lost my will to climb out.

We should all exit Social Media.

If their whole mandate is data mining and surveillance and monitoring we should all rebel and give them nothing because we are already at 1984 levels and getting worse.


It's supposed to be legal now but I still feel like a criminal.


I'm too busy to be friends too but for some reason I still try...

Hates winter

Xmas done, stupid bowl done, Valentine’s Day almost done. Bring on springtime!

Elevators Need Music!

That's why they call it elevator muzik!.In the awkward silence lower mainland we REALLY need it.

Please, slow down and be aware

My heart breaks for the family of the poor pedestrian who was killed at Commercial and Hastings. I don't know the circumstances around the accident but I think it serves as a reminder for everyone to be more thoughtfully aware of our surroundings. I hope everyone operating a vehicle slows down a bit, stops at stop signs, looks ahead and are aware of their surroundings. I consider myself a fairly aware pedestrian and I have at least a few close calls a month with cars running stop signs, reds, corners, etc. Pedestrians, please don't run into crosswalks without looking or run into the crosswalk when a vehicle has already begun to turn. Their is responsibility on your side as well. I often see this happening as well. Please, slow down. Everyone is trying to get somewhere. Your destination is no more important than that of any other.

Well, I did it.

Mid-30s, working a rewarding but not financially lucrative non-profit gig while trying to make a go of it in this expensive city. During my stupid late twenties, I racked up about $16K in credit card debt by just being *stupid* - too much eating out, travel, etc. I lived with it for ages before finally realizing exactly how truly stupid it was. Beginning in 2014, I changed. Almost no eating out (and when I do, it's very modest), major cuts to discretionary spending. Why spend time sitting in an expensive bar with bad music and loud people when you can drink at home with your own music (and food and booze) for one-tenth the price? And so on and so on, including surrounding myself as I was able with folks who understood and wanted for this to work out. I just tonight, after fifty-three months, paid the last fucking cent off. I am officially debt-free. I'm healthier, less stressed, and relieved. And I am just a normal guy who made mistakes and then worked to find the long way out of them. The next few years are gonna be good ones, I hope.

Maybe Your Kid is Just Shitty

My wife teaches in a prestigious school and parents pay big money for their children to attend. Most of the children grow up in households where they have a live-in housekeeper. The parents expect results and the school administration promises it. The teachers, of course, receive the wrath from both sides. The children number around 30 to a class, and yet there is no punishment system in place and students may not fail. These children have no incentive to work hard, and grow up pampered and sheltered. Teachers spend their nights emailing parents and essentially begging for the children to turn in ANYTHING for homework (and the homework is usually done by the housekeeper) so it can be 'graded'. Meanwhile the parents are upset when their child is admonished in any way. Every parent thinks their child is an angel that is acting out because of the other students, but the reality is that your child has no discipline or social skills because of your own substandard parenting and passing of the responsibility to the teachers and housekeepers.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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