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Concealing myself

Been so down in the dumps lately that I just want to hide. I wear a cap and dark shades so that I can go all incognito. I grew a goatee to change my look but it's not enough. I want to grow out a full beard so that way I can truly be anonymous.

Dealing with a coworker

Generally I get along well with most of the folks at work, except this one guy. He's friendly towards everyone else except me. He doesn't look at me when we cross paths or say hello to me. I try not to let it bother me, but it hurts. I guess the best thing to do is just be polite, but firm and cold.

Why can movie sets break the law?

Some movie snobs just built a structure in the creek at 30 foot in Lynn Canyon for a movie set. Pretty sure that was completely illegal under federal law and they’ll get away with it because all the municipalities want is filthy filthy international money.

My ex

After I got dumped over text, I went through a phase in which I thought my ex was the bees knees and I missed him and pined over him. But it's gone now! Wish him well and I'm doing better than ever. I also have a new dude who's exponentially better. My confession: because I'm now feeling great, I sort of want to reach out and say hi and smooth things over - but I won't, because he hurt me so much and I don't want to give him the satisfaction. So farewell to him, hope to never see him again because it would hurt.

Hey, shitty new neighbours!

This can't go on. If you're going to crank your music and have parties and slam your doors and cupboards all day and ignore my knocking when I try to speak to you about it, you're going to get dog shit (or maybe my own shit) on your doorknob one day. Have a SHITTY day, assholes!

At last

A country with a goal to improvement. National Service is introduced in France, not necessarily military service but service to the country's national values. Bring it on in Canada , we'll soon see an improvement in city life, a reduction in the welfare mentality, a pride in Citizenship and a foundation for a person's responsibility in society. It can't happen soon enough as far as I'm concerned

Found Myself Again Today

I couldn't be happier with the present moment. It took me years to get here. My friends and family can tell. I can tell. I've been secretive and misdirective about my downfall and why. I didn't understand it, and frankly, at first, I thought I was different from people that struggle with anxiety and depression. I'm seeing an old work friend tomorrow. When I was still fresh from it, but trying to repress it and move forward, he pressed me, asking me why I felt guilty all the time. One day I broke and I admitted to him I went "crazy" before coming to work with him. That was my interpretation of my accute depressive episode at the time, caused by stacking far too many overly ambitious goals for myself without much of a plan or safety net. He told me "it happens to smart people." With that he set me on the right path. Whether that's true or not, I don't really care. I think it does, but more importantly, it was really nice to be reassured and complimented at the time. Coincidentally I've completed every goal I set at the time, some for myself, some for the gods who know perfection, but prefer the sloppiness of the human style. Feels great. And it's nice to truly take my time for a change, and enjoy it. I know I'll be setting bars for myself in no time, but at least now I know what it takes.

Bizarro World

I am a guitar geek. I like to play and geek about guitar stuff. At guitar workshops it is usually 50 dudes and 2 or 3 girls. My question is, what events would have the opposite of that? What are environments that are mostly women? Where is bizarro world?

What Were They Thinking

I remember over ten years ago, my GF at the time was excited about lulu pants and wore a small skirt over top/.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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