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Might is right

So I press the button at the intersection, wait patiently for the walk signal, then I am cut off by a vehicle, sometimes they even give you a wave as they cut in front of you.


Been in Europe for a while and decided to stop by ye ol confessions page. None of your complaints hold any ground outside of Vancouver and its fairly obvious that most people who reside in Van never travel outside of Bc. If you did none of this would matter. Where i am currently men are considered wealthy if they live in a basement suite. Women not only ask you out but on first dates they pay. Its because they want to to take them out next and show them up. Seen one pair of yoga pants. Nobody wears bike helmets and having a beer at 10 am is a coffee break. Subway? Packed to the gills. Garbage everwhere and the best part nobody is a cellphone zombie and if you bust it out at a club or event security escorts you out. Save your money and travel. Perhaps you cant find anybody worth dating and meeting because you all complain about nothing like its paramount and that spells boring with a capital loser. Im here on an entry level income so stop whining and travel already. What a pathetic mindset in bc.

Through the Pain Wall

When I finally make it through and stop ignoring the pain, and cease the stubborness I never knew the degree I had, I finally could take my own advice and those of others. It happened in a flash. And the "ticks" I judged in another person were revealed to me as good, healthy, and wonderful ways to handle the sometimes confusing act of simply living. One's I never understood and wrongly prejudged.

Thank you Seth Rogen!

On the crowded Skytrain today with an inconsiderate jerk and his enormous backpack pushing into me. Seth Rogen comes on the speaker and gives a backpack etiquette tip, I tap on the jerk's shoulder and said "Listen to this please." All the folks around us laughed and the jerk actually took off his backpack and put it between his legs. Thank you Seth, you made my day!

I met someone

And there so great in scared it's too good to be true. I have a history or writing people off over minor things thinking each minor thing is the tip of an iceberg I'm also kind of scared of my life turning into a really generic romcom. All crazy thoughts: I've finally met someone I'm attracted to, is financially stable and whom I can talk to. An I scared of running out of problems?

I know I shouldn't take the bait

but recent stories about Kim Kardashian having lost weight due to her fitness routine are just a bunch of horseshit. Her ass would still give a translink bus a run for its money. Who knows what these fame whores will look like once their rapidly perishing vanities disappear. To lose weight via exercise is a monumental task with incredible amounts of effort and sustained, long term pain. Can you see either of these requirements being fulfilled by any of that loathsome clan?

On Patterns

My mother had an abusive childhood. The more the people that should have loved her hurt her, the harder she tried to be loved. She tried her best to raise my siblings and I better, but trauma carries over. My sister quickly understood that the worse she treated my mother the better the treatment she would receive back. I'd like to think I didn't do likewise. But, for the past few years as I've found myself neglecting the people that love me, and chasing after someone who doesn't love me, and never respected me enough to treat me fairly, I've realized I have the same unhealthy relationship pattern as my mother. Now, how to fix it?

Hairdresser woes

No one tells you that as a hairdresser, you'll start off making minimum wage... and that's after spending $15,000 on a hairdressing diploma and further education. I love what I do, but I can't think of any other career that requires this much training and investment of time and money for $12.65 an hour. That being said- please tip your hairdressers, we need it to survive!

Ya played yourself

I can't wait for Uber in Vancouver so I can never ride in a smelly over priced Taxi ever again! The NDP can delay it but change is coming and the monopoly on transportation is coming to an end.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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