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Brace Yourself

The "University Is Stifling My Free Speech" confessions are coming next week.

All The Money In Hollywood

In 33 years, they still haven't been able to come up with a movie as great as Back To The Future.

What's wrong with the neighbours?

The back yard next door has ripe apples and pears falling on the ground. Sure, some get bruised but they are useable. The owner picks up a few, but there is an abundance. The basement tenants come out, moan about wasps, then rake 'em up and dump them in the garbage. Jeez! Ever heard of fruit salad? Apple pie? Apple cake? Apple sauce? On our side of the fence we've frozen 20 pounds of peeled quartered apples just from the apples that have fallen from the branches hanging over the fence.

Good skin like good health does not always come easy

No one needs to know my personal story on this but suffice it to say that at one point in my life I had such bad skin in terms of how it was reacting to everything and how it had scarred as a result that I considered committing suicide I was so depressed. Although every one says appearances do not matter it is my experience in Canada that the dental and skin problems make a big enormous difference in work and personal life. My biggest issue in dealing with this bad skin was that doctors did not take it seriously. Upon my insistence I was prescribed some medications to calm the skin and a lotion that took years to take full effect. With patience and time over approximately ten years the skin recovered slowly and was further helped by specialized skin treatments that were several hundred dollars a session but over a period of years have been well worth it. No one in my life really ever provided me with any insight to this issue so I made a lot of mistakes. Using make up to cover the problem when it would not go away and using various perfumed and complicated skin products instead of just sticking with a pure skin product like no scent or fillers. It can cost a fair amount of money to get better skin but simple products are affordable but if you can do it as I did with some help initially from doctors prescribing lotion covered by medical to reduce and prevent further acne or blemish damage and be very kind to your skin with products with pure gentle ingredients that work you can progress to the various laser and skin treatments offered by specialized doctors at some great skin care clinics in Vancouver. The doctors really appreciate the need to improve and enhance the health of the skin and you will not be disappointed. It is a long process but for anyone suffering with those problems it is so worth it because I still see people suffering with unsightly skin and I am pretty sure that they can afford to invest in their skin as much as their clothes or car or whatever

Vancouver is now Toronto

People are sure getting more selfish and stupid now. Whatever happened to holding the door for the next person? Saying thank you. There is no more customer service when I go to a store or bank. Just awful. We turned into Toronto now. Stop looking at your phones.

re smokers in apartment buildings

Now that my partner and I are living in a condo I can definitely relate to the number of complaints about smoking. We are vegan and are in a same sex relationship and in the processing of having a surrogate carry our child. Due to the extra expenses we cannot afford a detached home and live in a condo which we thought we could handle but there are many reasons why this place is not working for us and smoking is one of the worst. We would also prefer if our strata would ban the meat barbecues as we feel that these are generally unhealthy and the fumes are toxic. We do not smoke or drink and we have a church we attend so our preference is always clean living but we feel that if people were required to live up to these standards they would soon grow to embrace them. Non smoking neighbors are always going to get our respect but we have learned who the smokers are and we are applying some subtle social pressures to their lives as well in this building. We have to fight for our rights somehow when the rules do not change fast enough

The Truth

I am too much coward to tell you the truth. Our relationship really messed me up and I just bottled all of it up till now. The obsessions and impulses were all about my fixation with you. I am going through way too much in my life to work through that without slipping up constantly. it's not fair to anyone that I am a mess. The constant views on my private journal made me think that it wasn't all just in my head as well as you using the nickname you gave me. Signs always looking for signs, so when you really want to see them you do. So I am running away after trying so hard to remain friends to work on myself and my relationship before I self-destruct under all the pressure. I am happy for you and that things worked out for you and your family. I wish you nothing, but happiness and peace because you deserve lots. Don't let the things your Mother has said to you get under your skin because I did and I am still fixing the damage. Goodbye you will always be my favourite dance partner.

Ass slaps

I miss them too. (Getting them). Those were the good old days.

A lot

of these confessions just seem like someone is trying to fill the page in order to bump other Confessions down the list.

In the light of day...

...I saw you. You're not just ugly on the inside anymore. Disappointing things being what they were, But.. At peace with my choices, my path for the future.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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