

Search confessions


There is someone in my office who constantly needs to over-analyse everything. I'm all about details but this person takes it to the next level, worrying about each tangent no matter how unlikely to happen. Good planing is one thing, but this over-analysis simply makes them a nightmare to work with since they waste so much time.

A book by it's cover

I have a few different persona's that I put on. Funnily enough each are very different. When I walk home to the east side smoking my joint and in my street clothes most people give me a wide berth thinking I'm one of the homeless. But at work while in my pressed suit most think I'm a find upstanding gentleman and a good manager in the company. I like having both sides. I can weave in and out of social circles easily and I like catching people off guard. Yes it's possible for the guy with the mohawk to be into Beethoven, just look at A Clockwork Orange.

Low toner

How is it that you can work in an office for years and still not know how to change the printer toner? This isn't rocket science. Well I'm always the one to do it, and I think those of you who avoid it are morons.

What are you saying

When you say "I'm Gay"? What are you really telling people? Something about your sexuality. Last night I did a confession regarding my interest in kink and how it caused me to loose my job. All I said was "I'm into Kink" and that's too much for some people. But when someone says "I'm gay" they're saying that they like to sleep with the same sex. So again it's about sexuality. And telling me it isn't a part of my lifestyle is just as ignorant. My social life is filled with like minded people and we go to clubs and events that cater to us. Just like Gays go to Davie street.

Happy go lucky!

Is what we are in Vancouver! We are so jolly and proud of everything! Like how nobody cares anymore!

where are you

I confess, I miss having my ass slapped.. but I want to be in a strong relationship, not some fling or booty call. still searching for a man to enter and stay in my life entertainment

I frikking hate downtown I avoid it like the plague it smells like piss fake shoppers looking all hot when they ugly as fuck obnoxious charity muggers who don't get the concept of respecting boundaries because they are working for commission idiots crossing the street while lookingdown at their phones almost getting hit by busses taxi drivers driving like they are driving the Indy 500 entitled cyclists thinking they own the road at the expense of everyone else crazy people walking up & down the sidewalk yelling that the street musicians are too loud disgusting bros with thier generic Affliction t shirts & thier skanky girlfriends fighting after leaving the clubs & puking on the sidewalk because of the mixture or coke vodka & energy drinks so they wind up being too hungover to work the following day at thier dead end entry jobs .....thank downtown for your free entertainment


I recently had to get my glasses fixed at a repair shop near me and I noticed something while I was there waiting. A lot of people have a second pair of glasses or prescription eye ware of other sorts..contacts. I have only one pair of glasses.

Delusions of grandeur

I feel like I am called to do something great in the world, that I am chosen for something. But I don't know what it is yet.

I'm sorry for pushing the Woman on the Skytrain Sunday evening

Last night, August 26th around 10pm at the Granville skytrain station. I don't know what was going on with the skytrain that night as I rarely use it but there was a lot people waiting for the train that Sunday night despite nothing special going on. Anyways, as I was getting into the train I had to physically push a woman to move into the train as the door was about to close and her backpack was taking up space. It so happened this woman was later boarding the Millenium line as I was and I noticed she was walking with a limp on her left leg. I don't believe she was actually hurt when I nudged her but maybe it was a physical disability? I just feel bad that I had to rush her not knowing she had this issue. I just want her to know "I'm Sorry" and there was no malicious intent in my action. Frankly, I blame Skytrain for causing a rush of people to forcibly squeeze into the trains in the 1st place due to their lack of orgainzation and structure. This was the 2nd time in only a few weeks when some issue caused problems with the trains. It does make me appreciate having a car to get around on a usual basis. Regardless, I hope the woman is ok and whether she was affected by the push or not, that doesn't excuse my ignorance at the time.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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