Crossed paths twice on the night of the fireworks

You: Paulina wearing a very nice black dress and equally nice shoes. You love the Cambie Village life. The first time we crossed paths, I stopped you and I told you how great you looked. The second time I saw you on my way home and we talked as we walked to your place. You told me how you helped a friend serve wine and how you just moved into your place. I wanted to ask you for your number, but I wanted to leave it chance that we would cross paths again and I didn't know if you had a partner. We live two blocks away from each other, but I don't want to leave it to chance that we could cross paths again. Maybe I was a fool for leaving it to chance? Perhaps... Care to join me for drinks?

When: Wednesday, July, 30 2014

Where: Burrard/Pacific and Yukon St

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