Where courage falls short.

It was shortly before 1pm as I approached the platform. you were standing listening to your music. I approached and you looked me in then eyes then looked down in a coy manner. I sat across you on the train reading a little before getting off, all the while subtly exchanging glances before I got off at Joyce. You; dark brown curly hair(maybe with highlights) wearing black tights and a black jacket. Me; dark hair, beard, wearing a blue jacket with a red pin and a blue bag. I was in shorts and sandals in the rain(which might seem bizarre). I am kicking myself for not saying hi. I got nervous to be honest and didn't work up the courage to tell you I think you're stunningly beautiful. I hope to see you again.

When: Saturday, October, 10 2015

Where: Commercial/Broadway Skytrain Platform Eastbound

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