I Saw You


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E.g., Jun 15 2024

I Saw Yous

Enviromental consultant at Oakridge and 41st

I asked you about your hardhat while we were waiting for the R4 outside of the Oakridge Skytrain station, around 5:30 on June 13th. I felt like we didn't have quite enough time to talk on the bus for it to not be weird if asked for your number, but as soon as you got off I felt like an idiot. You have the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen, and I hope you might see this (admittedly kind of dumb) post.

When: Thursday, June, 13 2024

Where: Oakridge & 41st

Green Auto Concert on June 8

We were in the front row for Music Waste and we joked about you being afraid of the mosh pit. It was your first time at this venue. You told me you're from Chiapas and you thought I was Mexican too.

When: Saturday, June, 08 2024

Where: Green Auto

North Vancouver Encounter, June 12th 2022

I believe this took place between 11AM and 12PM, but I could be off by an hour or two. The weather was lightly overcast. I was headed northwards, and was walking on that slightly raised section of pavement separating one side of the Horizon Square office building from the sidewalk – it was only two very short steps higher than the sidewalk. You were headed westwards on that sidewalk, and at such a distance from me that our paths were going to intersect. The moment I saw you, I was astonished. You were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Because of the brevity of our interaction and the time that has passed since, some of these descriptions may be a bit inaccurate, but hopefully they’ll be enough to awaken your memory: You had long hair that fell effortlessly to your waist, and it was a rich shade of light brown. Your eyes were intelligent, warm, and piercing, and though I regrettably did not catch their colour, I believe they were also brown. Your lips were thin-to-medium and had a lovely shape, and I remember a defined cupids bow. Your forehead was small-to-medium, and your skin was white with peachy tones. You looked to be in your mid-twenties, and your clothing was long-sleeved; I believe one article of it was brown. You were shorter than me. As for myself, I was a pale, tall woman in her mid-twenties with slightly-wavy, neck-length dark-blonde hair, and I was sporting a black baseball cap and sunglasses. I was also dressed in long sleeves, and almost everything I wore was grey. I saw you, was astonished by you, and your eyes found mine a moment later. We held each other’s gazes as our paths approached, and you were smiling at me the whole time. Then when we did intersect and I was right at the top of the short steps and you were right below me, you turned your head to look up at me directly, and you gave me the most beautiful, soul-piercing smile I’d ever seen. Truly, time felt like it slowed down, as though I was witnessing a miracle…which makes what happens next even worse. I smiled back at you, yes, but when I walked down those steps and you were right next to me, I didn’t turn to you again – I just kept walking. I checked to make sure the road was clear and then J-walked across the street, and I didn’t look behind me, and I didn’t even say anything – neither of us did – and then suddenly we were out of sight. I have regretted this ever since, and at the very least wish I could have told you how beautiful you were. Your magnetic smile pulled me in that day, but I drew away. Part of it was because I was so surprised by what I saw, and so wasn’t able to fully process it in the moment. The other part was because I did understand and process it, and was afraid of it. I’m afraid right now just writing this two years later, but you’re worth taking that risk for, whoever you are. If this is you, and you’d like to reconnect, just let me know any other details you remember about the interaction. Wherever you are, I’m wishing you all the best!

When: Sunday, June, 12 2022

Where: Horizon Square, Lonsdale 121-127 East 15th Street, North Vancouver

Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend, you on your own sometimes writing. We looked at each other a lot. I've been wishing I had spoken to you, asked your name I'm wondering if you'd like to meet up.

When: Tuesday, May, 28 2024

Where: Las Marguerita

ART CARS, but no cars

When looking at a street installation, you asked my opinion. We chatted briefly, before we walked on in our own direction. I wish we spoke longer. Now, wondering how long your ‘typical guy’ disposition will take to process this. I hope you look for this ad!

When: Tuesday, May, 28 2024

Where: Arbutus Street and 16th Avenue

You offered to let me in line before you

There was a long line at the coffee shop, at work. You offered to let me in before you, but I declined. We chatted, just a bit. You are so trim. I really like trim. I know most men don't like trim, but I like it a lot. You also seemed so confident. I like confidence, too. May I see you again?

When: Monday, May, 27 2024

Where: At the coffee shop - you know.

Whole Foods on Cambie today

You were all in denim! We locked eyes in the produce section and then again in the condiment aisle. Felt like there was burning unspoken chemistry.

When: Sunday, May, 26 2024

Where: Whole Foods Cambie

Dog Walkin on Kamloops

I was heading north with my pooch when I saw you (long dark hair, brown skin, shorts, T-shirt) getting in your Chevy. I kind of did a double take because you are very cute, and also because you weren’t wearing much in the rain lol. We smiled at each other 2 or 3 times and then I waved as you drove past. Wish I had said something.

When: Friday, May, 24 2024

Where: Kamloops & Eton

Sisters of Mercy Outside the Rickshaw

I inquired about the metal fest going on and we had a brief talk about metal genres and then Sisters of Mercy. We started talking about beers but then I had to get on the bus lol. You have purple hair and lip spikes. You also had a red vape pen. Wish I would have at least gotten your name (or a number)!

When: Friday, May, 17 2024

Where: Outside the Rickshaw

Small Victory South Granville

You bought me a caramel salt cheesecake- and we chatted briefly. Anyhow, just to say your kindness was sooo buoying. I have wondered about how I might be able to reconnect to continue our conversation …

When: Saturday, May, 11 2024

Where: Small Victory South Granville



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