I Saw You


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E.g., Jun 15 2024

I Saw Yous

between metrotown and coal harbour

We chatted about neuroscience and Korean spas, and I was instantaneously smitten. I didn't catch your name—nor did I give you mine. Dying to resume!

When: Friday, April, 12 2024

Where: Near Metrotown

Cute girl at Unprocessed concert at the Biltmore

You were in the centre dancing in a skirt and with a high ponytail dyed hair standing a little back from the mosh pit. I was on the right side in a hoodie with my buddies. As I was leaving I saw you again, you were getting into a black car with your girlfriend on 11th and Guelph and I was getting into my friends car and we drove off never to see each other again…unless you message me.

When: Sunday, April, 28 2024

Where: Biltmore Cabaret - Unprocessed

Grey Beret - Carmen (Opera) Queen Elizabeth T. (27/April)

To the distinguished gentleman I encountered at the Carmen opera tonight: You were seated toward the end of row 34, possibly in seat 140, accompanied by a group of about five individuals. Although there was a brief discussion about taking photos with me and my friend, I couldn't discern if you were married or if you were with your parents. You stand roughly 6'3, with distinguished grey hair, captivating blue eyes, dressed in a grey jacket, jeans, black sneakers, and sporting a charming light grey beret. I'd estimate your age to be between 55 and 60. We exited the theatre through the service stairs that lead to the exit on Cambie Street, and we bid farewell with a wave of our hands; there, you walked northbound.

When: Saturday, April, 27 2024

Where: Queen Elizabeth Theater

Vibes at No Frills (Mount Pleasant)

You: guy in your mid or late twenties, 5’8-ish, medium-length brown hair, black joggers. Me: plaid jacket, long curly brown hair. I think we both checked each other out in the produce section. Lost sight of you when I went about my shopping but we ended up at the crosswalk at Broadway and Yukon together and you said hi and I said hey back. I wanted to say more but I’m shy!

When: Friday, April, 26 2024

Where: No Frills at Broadway and Alberta

“The nachos are not portable”

We both abruptly stopped on the corner of W Hastings/Cambie near the park and seamlessly started chatting. I have long brown hair and was wearing dirty work clothes/ you were soft spoken and had a dry bag backpack. You were from out of town and staying with your brother who lived nearby, and you asked me if there was any good places to get nachos. You’re a rock climber and offered to teach me how to climb. In my fluster I *incorrectly* put my phone number into your flip phone before boarding the rapid bus. I think about you all the time, and wish I proofread before I ran off :(

When: Friday, June, 23 2023

Where: Corner of W Hastings and Cambie, near the park


I was biking/you were walking at Richards and Georgia. You looked stunning with your strawberry blonde hair and bright eyes. I asked if you wanted to grab a coffee sometime but you said you had a partner. I hope they know how lucky they are. If anything changes, hit me up :)

When: Wednesday, April, 17 2024

Where: Richards & Georgia

Handsome Smile at lunch in Olympic Village

You sat across the bar from me. I looked up and we caught each other's eye and both smiled. You: beef dip. Trucker hat. Black t-shirt and beard and of course handsome. Me: long hair, dining alone having a quick working lunch. Drove past you again as you were walking down the parking ramp and I was driving out. We smiled again. Who are you? It feels like we are supposed to meet. Coffee?

When: Tuesday, April, 16 2024

Where: Tap & Barrel - Olympic Village

High end furniture hottie

I saw you while I was shopping with a funny designer from LA. I have bleach blond hair, you have intense eyes.

When: Saturday, April, 13 2024

Where: Living space

Bakery Honey

You: Glasgow accent at the Livia counter on the Drive, sparkle eyes. Time expands when I’m around you. Me: Ursula K Leguin conversations, hobbit life, black americano. So into your ways.

When: Tuesday, April, 09 2024

Where: CommercialDrive



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