Grey Beret - Carmen (Opera) Queen Elizabeth T. (27/April)

To the distinguished gentleman I encountered at the Carmen opera tonight: You were seated toward the end of row 34, possibly in seat 140, accompanied by a group of about five individuals. Although there was a brief discussion about taking photos with me and my friend, I couldn't discern if you were married or if you were with your parents. You stand roughly 6'3, with distinguished grey hair, captivating blue eyes, dressed in a grey jacket, jeans, black sneakers, and sporting a charming light grey beret. I'd estimate your age to be between 55 and 60. We exited the theatre through the service stairs that lead to the exit on Cambie Street, and we bid farewell with a wave of our hands; there, you walked northbound.

When: Saturday, April, 27 2024

Where: Queen Elizabeth Theater
