I Saw You


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I Saw Yous


Was returning from Waterfront to Bridgeport and saw a beautiful lady get o Skytrain - am sure we looked at each other several times and tried to catch your eye when I got off at Brideport but you stayed on the Skytrain. Would like to see you again and make contact

When: Sunday, November, 03 2019


Late nite terminal skytrain st

I asked if you needed to be let in through the skytrain gate you said you were smoking I then proceeded onwards then turned back cause I knew I wasn't gonna get you off my mind just wanted to say a huge thank you and I appreciate you for the lady you really truly are you helped me find me again without a doubt I am smitten for you I spelt you with a Y at the end you said an I I have a u not an ?

When: Tuesday, October, 29 2019

Where: Terminal and main skytrain st

Cute strawberry blonde on the SkyTrain

It was about 7pm and I got on the fogged up train Metrotown on this dreary Thursday evening and sat in a seat facing the opposite way from you and pulled out my green and orange book. Your were wearing black leggings and Blundstone-like boots, only classier. I looked up and you were looking at me, or my book, hard to say. I switched to the seat behind you and could see that you were looking up wines on your phone. I could swear our reflections made eye contact in the glass in front of you. I got off at Commercial. Will I see you again?

When: Thursday, September, 12 2019

Where: SkyTrain between Metrotown and Commercial

gorgeous guy on the skytrain towards king george

I was on my way to school in Surrey and I saw you on the skytrain. I think you got off at scott road station. You are tall, had an ear piercing, you were wearing construction clothes with a helmet attached to your pants. We made eye contact quickly as you were getting off the train. I was wearing a white fluffy sweater, blonde hair, half asian. You probably won't even see this but if u do, hi hi you're cute and hoping you're single.

When: Monday, September, 09 2019

Where: Skytrain

Locked eyes on skytrain

We were on the 930pm millennium line skytrain heading east towards production stn. I’m Asian, I had my hair tied up, I was wearing a grey button and zipper sweater. You were Caucasian, wearing a blue shirt, had light blue eyes and blond hair. We locked eyes a few times for several seconds while sitting in our seats across from each other, I was with my friend and you were with yours. When you got off at Brentwood stn with your friends, you took one last look at the skytrain before disappearing down the stairs. Not sure if our locked eyes and final look towards the skytrain was anything more than just a passing gaze but if you felt that there was potential in our gazes like I did, find me on IG: merunfoodfun and let’s introduce ourselves over a coffee!

When: Saturday, September, 07 2019

Where: Millennium skytrain line heading east towards Production Stn/Brentwood Stn

Locked eyes on skytrain, something more..?

We were on the 930pm millennium line skytrain heading east towards production stn. I’m Asian, I had my hair tied up, I was wearing a grey button and zipper sweater. You were Caucasian, wearing a blue shirt, had light blue eyes and blond hair. We locked eyes a few times for several seconds while sitting in our seats across from each other, I was with my friend and you were with yours. When you got off at Brentwood stn with your friends, you took one last look at the skytrain before disappearing down the stairs. Not sure if our locked eyes and final look towards the skytrain was anything more than just a passing gaze but if you felt that there was potential in our gazes like I did, find me on IG: merunfoodfun and let’s introduce ourselves over a coffee!

When: Saturday, September, 07 2019

Where: Millennium Line skytrain heading East towards Production Stn/Brentwood Stn

Ferry from Victoria

I saw you at the ferry terminal, on the ferry, on the bus and then we rode the same skytrain carriage back to Vancouver. You got off at Olympic Village. I don't think I've been so stunned to the point of feeling awkward even looking in someone's direction. You have striking features and are utterly beautiful. Dress remarkably well, too.

When: Sunday, August, 25 2019

Where: Ferry/bus/skytrain

Person in black on skytrain

you were wearing all black with black vans, tattoos, short hair and clear glasses frames. I almost fell over when the train started. a stretch but... want to get coffee?

When: Monday, August, 19 2019

Where: Expo Line

Skytrain Cool Kid

You had glasses, a lip ring and some kind of tote bag. Also, a nice haircut. You were travelling with a friend and got off the train around Langara. I thought you had a great sense of style and would have said something if you were solo. *I was the guy with a skateboard

When: Monday, August, 05 2019

Where: Skytrain - Canada Line

In the morning on the #3 Main St. We both got off at the skytrain

I was sitting down with a few bags on my way to see my mother on the Sunshine Coast. I got up to get off the bus and my bag fell over. You helped me right it and we talked about being out of it in the morning. You offered to help with my bags when we got off the bus. I sadly declined your chivalry and you disappeared into the Main St. skytrain station.

When: Wednesday, July, 03 2019

Where: #3 Main St. Bus



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