Money talks: a new way to think about your finances

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      It’s funny, money.

      Given how much we are willing to divulge about almost every other aspect of our lives, it seems unusual that being open about our finances still feels somewhat taboo.

      A constraint inherited from generations before us, perhaps, that to talk about money is improper, impolite, or just downright tacky. Ask someone—anyone—about last night’s Netflix and chill session and they’ll happily disclose the most intimate details and yet bringing up bank can be seriously awkward.

      Somewhere in the passage of time it’s become normal to talk about our diets, our fitness regimens, our weirdest idiosyncrasies, our health issues, and our sex lives—and yet cash-chat is gauche.

      But the truth is that money affects us all. In fact, it’s one relationship that we’re locked into for our entire lives. No matter how complicated it may get—from our more reckless school days, to new beginnings and making investments, to getting older and thinking about the future—we need to find ways of managing our money.

      True to their Peter Pan reputation, young people between the ages of 18 and 35 are taking longer to embark on the milestones traditionally associated with adulthood. And that’s okay. But arguably, no other generation has faced such harsh judgement, especially when it comes to matters of finance.

      And sure, of all the life admin tasks, it is the one that we’re most willing to put to the bottom of the list. But between bites of avocado toast, there are some aspects of the so-called millennial lifestyle that hold merit and could even prove pretty useful if we applied them to money management.

      Finding ways to effectively manage your money can help your overall well-being.

      We are going to avoid the “self-made” elephant in the room, and instead move our focus onto self-care. Because looking after our finances should really be treated in the same way as any other aspect of our well-being. Yes, it takes work, but there is a pay-off—quite literally.

      While we can’t claim to put the fun in funds, there are ways to make managing your money simple and convenient so that you can feel good about it. And, it could even lead to saving you some cash, which means you’re one step closer to that trip you’ve got planned—hashtag #treatyoself.

      If you don’t know where your money is going, if spend more than you make, if you rely on your credit card and always carry a balance, or if you’d be in trouble if you missed one paycheque then you need to come up with strategy. And know, you are not alone.

      There are lots of resources to help manage your finances, set goals, and help your money grow—many of which can be accessed online.

      Take charge

      Coast Capital Savings' Take Charge Money Manager™ allows you to take control of your saving, spending, and budgeting in one convenient place online.

      One of the first steps is identifying where you’re spending your money because you might be surprised at how quickly those coffee orders add up. Coming up with a plan and setting budgets will help you to be accountable for your purchases. But if spreadsheets aren’t your strong point—again, you’re not alone—Coast Capital Savings has recently launched Take Charge Money Manager™, which gives you a snapshot of your saving, spending, and budgeting in one convenient place.

      Be fee free

      Coast Capital Savings can help you make the first step toward financial freedom.

      But beyond making adjustments to your own spending habits, there are ways to reduce your expenses by making sure you’re not paying unnecessary fees. Everyday banking like withdrawals, transfers, ATM transactions, and payments should be simple and not incur huge costs. Depending on your needs, Coast Capital Savings has an account for you, including The Free Chequing, Free Debit and More Account®—the first free chequing account offered by a full-service institution in Canada.

      Interest is in your interest

      Making even small savings every month can help you reach your financial goals.

      Credit cards are not your enemy and can actually help establish a strong credit history. The key is finding a card with a low fixed interest rate so that you can stay on top of your borrowings. Look out for straightforward rewards programs, which can allow you to earn points for travel and other incentives, depending on your goals.

      In addition to making the most of your expenditures, it’s very important to be putting money aside every month—no matter how little you can afford. When it comes to savings, it’s best to find a high-interest account. But be warned, to take advantage of great rates—many financial institutions prevent you from accessing your funds.

      Coast Capital’s High-Interest Savings Account allows you to deposit or withdraw at any time, while your money earns daily interest. And that’s what we call a win.

      to become a member of Coast Capital Savings and enjoy some of the great benefits outlined above, plus a $200 bonus. And follow this series for more tips and advice on how to make banking simple and convenient, while achieving your financial goals.
