My blowjobs are boring my husband

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      Email Dan

      I am desperately in need of your help. After eight years of marriage, it turns out that the blowjobs I give are “good but not great” and are now getting “boring”. My husband is unable to tell me anything specific that he wants me to do, just that I should do something different and “be creative”. I’ve done pretty much everything I can think of over the years, fingers and hands included, so I have no idea where to go from here! My husband is my first partner, so I have no past experience to draw from, and porn hardly seems the proper inspiration: visually exciting (for a guy) but no visible technique other than some rather extreme deep-throating, which I am incapable of, as I have an annoyingly sensitive gag reflex. Is there anything nonstandard but fun that you (or your fans) could suggest? I’m not exactly vanilla, so I’m willing to try pretty much anything at this point.

      > Thought I Was Doing It Well

      Seeing as I think saying, “You’re doing it wrong, do it better, but don’t ask me how I want it done” is an asshole move, TIWDIW, I’m tempted to give asshole advice. Something along the lines of “take a swig of Tabasco sauce immediately before popping his dick in your mouth.”

      You seem like a nice person, TIWDIW: a good sex partner, GGG, open to constructive criticism. But “I grow weary of your blowjobs, they bore me—do something about it!” isn’t constructive criticism. It’s destructive criticism, the kind of feedback that can leave a sex partner feeling inadequate and self-conscious. To be constructively critical, your husband needs to come through with some suggestions and direction—something more helpful than “surprise me”. (I bet he’d find that mouthful of Tabasco sauce surprising.)

      Now, maybe your husband has no clue what he wants you to do. But that’s still no excuse for “Your blowjobs bore me. Fix it! Creatively!” Your husband should’ve tossed out some suggestions, invited you to do the same, and you two should’ve given ’em all a whirl until you found a few new tricks that worked.

      Minor unfairnesses slosh around relationships like water in the bottom of a canoe, of course, but “Be creative!” in this context isn’t just unfair, it’s paralyzing. Putting all the responsibility for busting out new tricks on the shoulders of the person whose blowjob/assfucking/bondage skills have been criticized rarely results in the criticized person busting out new and mind-blowing blowjob/assfucking/bondage moves. A destructively criticized sex partner is apt to shut down. So your husband isn’t just guilty of unfair behaviour here, TIWDIW, he’s guilty of self-defeating behaviour. Meaning, you may be able to give better head—we all have room for improvement—but this is not the way to go about getting better head from you.

      Finally, TIWDIW, you mention that your husband was your first partner. Can I ask how many women he’s been with? If the answer is “not many”, then I would respectfully suggest to your husband that his frame of reference may not be large enough to craft a truly informed critique of your blowjob technique. For all he knows, you give amazing head. (Cue the straight men who’ll tell your husband that he should be happy he’s getting blowjobs at all, that you wouldn’t catch them complaining if they were getting regular and enthusiastic blowjobs eight years into their marriages, et cetera.) But routine can make even the best blowjobs seem boring. So it may not be the how of your blowjobs that bore him, TIWDIW, but the when and the where. Give him the same old head in a new and exciting place (outside?) or in a new and exciting circumstance (his hands tied behind him?) and see if that doesn’t make your blowjobs exciting again.

      And while we’re on the subject of oral sex: how are your husband’s cunnilingus skills these days? If they’re not all they could be, now’s the time to tell him.

      I’m a straight guy into intense bondage—extended scenes, sensory deprivation, whole-body casting—and the only people who have the gear and are willing to do it for free are gay guys. I “laid my kink cards on the table” at three months, per your instructions, and told my girlfriend that I sometimes get tied up by guys. She understood. It turns out that she’s been reading your column since she was 15. She’s not worried that I’m gay; she didn’t ask me to stop. Just writing to say thanks.

      > Only Gay For Bondage

      You’re welcome, OGFB. Give my regards to the girlfriend.

      I was upset by the letter in last week’s column about the devotee who posted pictures of her disabled girlfriend’s body and wheelchair online without permission. I cannot speak for all devotees, but I was disgusted by the behaviour of GIMP’s girlfriend. I do not date people solely for their bodies and would never see my partner as “just a body” or post pictures of them online. As a devotee, I do find particular disabled bodies more attractive and sexually appealing than most “able” bodies. But physical attraction is only a starting point. In order for a relationship to move forward, there must be attraction on other levels and compatibility on an interpersonal level, and there must always be mutual respect. I wanted to put this perspective out there for people who, like GIMP, are wary of devotees. I’m sorry this happened to her. In any “group”, there will be people who are perverted and disrespectful. But when a devotee acts up, it contributes negatively to an already largely misunderstood attraction.

      > Good Dev In Canada

      A programming note: people typically write to me when someone has done them wrong or when they’ve done someone wrong. When the bad actor in a particular situation is someone like a devotee—the kind of person who is unlikely to be out to friends and family members about their deeply stigmatized sexual identity and/or interest—my readers can’t weigh what they’re learning about this one particular devotee against what they know about the other devotees they know and love… because the other devotees they know and love aren’t out to them about being devotees. It’s something to bear in mind, gentle readers, when someone with a rare or deeply stigmatized sexual interest makes an appearance in the column. Remember: GIMP’s girlfriend doesn’t represent all devotees any more than TIWDIW’s husband represents all straight men.

      With that said…

      GIMP’s letter appears to have been a fake. There’s a disturbed person lurking on the web who pretends to be a woman in a wheelchair, as a number of readers wrote to inform me, and this person has peddled the exact same story before. A fake letter is going to make its way into the column from time to time—there’s no way to verify every letter—and as every question that does make the column is a good hypothetical to every Savage Love reader save one, I try not to get too worked up about the odd fake question. But it is a problem when a fake question contributes to the negative public perception of a group of people whose sexual desires are already so stigmatized.

      While the news that GIMP’s letter is fake will come as a comfort to everyone who thought my advice for GIMP sucked, it’s cold comfort for all the good and decent devotees out there who had to see yet another story about a shitty—and, in this case, completely fictitious—devotee make it into print. My apologies.


      Download the Savage Lovecast (my weekly podcast) at Email: Follow me on Twitter at @fakedansavage.



      Pat Crowe

      Jul 18, 2012 at 7:14am

      Message to the blowjob queen wannabe.
      If you can't get it right from the beginning, you never will.
      Some girls just, can't, learn.
      Usually the ones who were not predisposed to sports.
      The fumblers.


      Jul 18, 2012 at 11:04am

      Hmmm, someones got issues. Let me guess, mommy was over-bearing and daddy ignored you?

      Save your moronic thoughts for those long nights at home, alone, watching spike t.v..

      Eat crow!

      lone voice of dissent

      Jul 18, 2012 at 11:38am

      Am I the only one who noticed she can't deep throat? Taking a cock to its root (well) in your mouth is a fantastic gigantic rush of ecstasy for the guy... its easy to train to lose a gag reflex... hell I did and became Blow Job God. I think that's all that's needed... ask any guy (who's had both shallow and deep techniques) if they'd be happy with just a little taking of the head into the mouth and they'll snort back, NO WAY!

      Gorgeous Cock!

      Jul 18, 2012 at 2:12pm

      The best blowjobs include plenty of hand action as well... mix it up, hand mouth hand mouth... and keep it moist. Also ladies (and some gents too :), never ignore those gorgeous balls! Kiss. lick, gently suck, scratch and pull... jesus i'm gonna cum!

      Amused & Amazed

      Jul 18, 2012 at 2:16pm

      Wow, one has to wonder why, after 8 years, your husband is complaining and, as Dan inquired "how is his performance for you" I would say middle of the road of late? Not to put "thoughts" in your head but have you considered that he is cheating on you? This is very familiar territory and it will most likely turn out that he is making you feel bad to make himself feel better about cheating - good luck

      Also Amused but annoyed

      Jul 18, 2012 at 4:28pm

      He's still getting blow jobs after 8 years - he should consider himself lucky (try a 15 year marriage without oral either way - arrgh). I think, like other responders, that he needs to look to his attitudes rather than you magically 'fixing' something that probably isnt broken. You could always take that bottle of Tabasco and shove the small pointy end somewhere where the sun dont shine and when he screams say "but honey, I thought you wanted me to try something different and I saw this in some German porn....". And I would dearly love to know how is skills are in return?! (Oh, and I'm male incase you needed to put this reply into gender perspective!)


      Jul 18, 2012 at 8:13pm

      Your husband is an ungrateful cunt... I haven't had a blowjob in months and here we have some bastard being an asshole to a good partner.


      Jul 19, 2012 at 12:11am

      i would love a bj and i would love you give you an oral orgasm too


      Jul 19, 2012 at 12:52am

      He has got to put a little thought into what gets him off. Maybe he's too embarrassed to tell you but the key is right there in his brain.


      Jul 19, 2012 at 5:05am

      TIWDIW Don't feel bad because you don't have a lot of sexual experience with different men. I've had more then my fair share, and some men love my BJ's and others don't care for them. It's all an individual taste anyway...does he communicate while you are together? Ask him too, and get him to tell you what feels great vs just OK. The longer you are with someone the better you get at pleasing him, unless his tastes have changed and he never told you.

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