Chubby chaser

I'm attracted to men who carry a bit of a tummy. I don't know why, and I don't know how where it came from. I'd much rather date and have sex with someone Seth Rogen sized than Ryan Reynolds built. I think it may be because I went out on with someone who is super cut and all he talked about was himself, his work out regime, his diet, different kinds of protein shakes, and then he'd loop back to talking about himself again. He also ditched me to hit the gym on a Friday night. It was like going out with an image obsessed teenage girl. But "chubby" people know what they look like, and for the most part, they're comfortable with themselves. They go out and enjoy life, laugh at themselves, will have another beer (or two) and not worry about having to do 80 more burpees to burn it off. So to all you men out there who ever wonder about this, while I can't speak for all of the female population, know that I'd totally cuddle you than Mark Wahlberg.


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you are awesome

Jan 27, 2013 at 1:16pm

thanks for making my day:)


Jan 27, 2013 at 1:17pm

i completely 100% agree!


Jan 27, 2013 at 4:28pm

I just wanted to say that, while I prefer men who are quite slender, it seems most of my friends are all for the chubby body type. One of the most beautiful girls I ever met told me that pudgier men are her ideal, because they are like big teddy bears, and as you mentioned, are a lot more fun to be with usually. So for any soft fellows reading this, don't let your size be a hinderance to falling in love - same goes for the women.

thank u :)

Jan 27, 2013 at 5:10pm

While I'm tall, kind of thin & lanky, I've got a pot or gut whatever it can be called anyway thank you, you made my day, you're an angel :)
BTW I'm attracted to chubby girls too, they can hot as well too.


Jan 28, 2013 at 7:12am

my fella carries quite a few more lbs than he'd like to - but he is the most amazing guy in every way possible. He's kind and caring and has a great love of life and he is by far the most skilled lover I have ever had.


Jan 28, 2013 at 7:32am

Looks like the "chubby" dudes are running up the thumbs score.


Jan 28, 2013 at 10:12am

@ chunks- At least we're running!

round-shaped guys

Jan 28, 2013 at 11:07am

I consider only men with huge belly!;)

not all

Jan 28, 2013 at 3:06pm

Not all chubby people are comfortable with themselves, I have a few friends who aren't even that chubby and all they do is complain about themselves, constantly scrutinizing every picture but they aren't interested in working out or changing their eating habits. There are some in every walk of life who constantly complain, not all fit people are image obsessed just as not all chubby people are comfortable.

Wiping Rag On A Stick

Jan 28, 2013 at 4:49pm

I heartily agree, and I'll be meeting you some day, along with my best friends Sleep Apnea Machine and Ticket For One To NAAFA Dance

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