2nd hand smoke

I hope all those who smoke cigarettes and blow 2nd hand smoke to the guy walking behind them or walking past them die real soon from lung cancer. is there anyone in this city who doesn't smoke? thanks for stinking up the block wherever you people go.


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Apr 17, 2014 at 11:04am

Smokers are people too.
And smoking was once a very public social norm.


Apr 17, 2014 at 11:06am

do you really think that one puff of smoke you pass through in the open air of the street causes any problem for your health at all?


Apr 17, 2014 at 11:07am

It's really fucking terrible---and if you tell them it's a nusance, that they shouldn't litter their butts, they often act like you're not "minding your own business." Or they like ridiculous non-sequiturs like "cars pollute, you're not talking to them!" Apparently smokers have the idea that if we already have a polluted atmosphere, what's a little more pollution?

The response of smokers is so uncaring and consistent that I wonder if nicotine or some other constituent doesn't cause a specific sort of brain damage.

But I don't hope they die---they should be given safe inhalation spaces where they can fix. There should be one or two in every neighborhood, and smokers should go there to fix. They should not be fixing in public---honestly, I would rather watch people shoot up than smoke. Shooting up doesn't hurt other people.


Apr 17, 2014 at 11:15am

we hate your shitty perfume and how your eyes are glued to your phone as you stumble along aimlessly, oblivious to the world around you.

learn how to walk faster.

Smoking Propaganda...

Apr 17, 2014 at 11:24am

Is all that is. The biggest killer of all on this planet has been in the name of religion. Cancer victims don't compare in numbers to those who have died in the name of religion.

The government would like you to believe 'second hand smoke' from a small cigarette is dangerous not only to you, but everyone around you. More dangerous to your health than the cars, trucks or buses that belch out exhaust fumes each day on the street.

The government would like you to believe drinking alcohol is less damaging than smoking. When was the last time you read about a car accident due to a cigarette?

The additives in your McDonalds cheese burger won't help you in the long run either. But nobody complains about the stench fast food joints put in the air.

So, open your mind a little. Don't regurgitate what you think you see or what you think you heard. Propaganda is everywhere.

5m Rule

Apr 17, 2014 at 11:29am

There, there - Considering the sidewalk is the ONLY place you can smoke anywhere, it's not so bad. Remember when there were ashtrays on planes, elevators, banks, bars and patios? I guess not.....

Smoking Propaganda 2...

Apr 17, 2014 at 11:36am

Yes. I'm a sequel now. If 'second hand' smoke is just so damned dangerous, how do you explain medical marijuana? Marijuana has smoke?

I agree

Apr 17, 2014 at 11:37am

with your dislike of second hand smoke, but there are way less smokers in Vancouver then many other Canadian and international cities. I don't smoke, but given the strict by-laws here can you really blame people for smoking on the sidewalk (not too many other places they can)?

22 5Rating: +17

I just returned from Las Vegas...

Apr 17, 2014 at 11:56am

And the casino's were loaded with inhouse smokers. No one seemed too concerned about 'second hand smoke' there. It was awesome!

Nobody whined like you are now. People all drinking and smoking heavily in the hotel lobby's, on the casino floor's and on the sidewalks. Fremont Street caters to those who smoke and drink.

It was the best time I have ever had.

17 9Rating: +8

thank you

Apr 17, 2014 at 12:04pm

thank you for reminding me we don't live in nazi germany and certain rights and freedoms still exist

you might not like second hand smoke, but the freedom is more important to me than your petty beef

walk slower, walk faster ... either way, i don't give a shit

18 8Rating: +10

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