Can't wait to leave

I don't think it is a coincidence that the friendliest, most genuine people in Vancouver all come from elsewhere in the world.


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Quite The Contrary

Aug 28, 2015 at 9:11am

I'm from elsewhere in the world and like to think I'm thoroughly unfriendly. However not as unfriendly and selfish as a large part of the community that are also from elsewhere.

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Aug 28, 2015 at 10:04am

90% of the people in Vancouver come from elsewhere.

Maybe you mean recently?

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Most people suck here...

Aug 28, 2015 at 11:01am

It's just how it is now. Was never this bad before, but it was still there. It's just enhanced now with even more snobs... /sigh

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You need to

Aug 28, 2015 at 11:32am

Find out where those people who like you are from and go there. Live there. Don't spend any more time living in a place you don't like. The constant whining of people who have moved here is making my ears bleed.
Sincerely, City of Vancouver.

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so tired of this

Aug 28, 2015 at 1:11pm

I am sick of people complaining about how this city is so unfriendly…move somewhere else. I love the space people give you in this city, what some people call friendly others might view as prying and invasive. A lot of people here are more lone wolf types, or busy artists, or are broke (a social life costs money a lot of the time) Quit complaining. If you don't like it move. The culture in this city is just more private, but they are also more open-minded. If you want friendly, move to Calgary, where people will interview you on the spot at first meeting..but yeah they might judge you more for alternative lifestyle choices. Take your pick. People here at least leave others alone to be who they are.

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Aug 28, 2015 at 2:15pm


The people from Vancouver are nice and friendly but they make up a tiny fraction of the population.

It's the people that come here from other places and bring their elitist attitudes, cliques, and superficiality with them that are the problem. People from shitty small-town Ontario mingle with people from their shitty Ontario town. Same for people from Kelowna, or China, or the UK. Everywhere you go there are tiny enclaves and nobody mixes with anyone other than their kind, whatever that kind may be. Thanks for fucking up the city and complaining the whole time!

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That's funny

Aug 28, 2015 at 2:19pm

I don't think its a coincidence that Vancouver in the 70's and 80's was THE friendliest town ever! Very working class and down to earth. So much so that combined with its natural beauty the whole world wanted to live here - and so they came, by the fucking plane load. And now there is hardly a real local person to be found, and the rest, who are all from everywhere BUT here, are nasty, shallow, entitled little fuck wads!!!

So OP, what the fuk are you talking about!?

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Mr. Smith

Aug 28, 2015 at 6:02pm

In my dating years I met a woman who said "Where are you from?" I said "Ontario" and she replied "Oh that makes sense people from Ontario are so friendly". I think you have to be from a small town in Ontario/BC/Pick a province, for this friendly attitude to apply.

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Truth hurts

Aug 28, 2015 at 11:23pm

nope. It is most certainly Vancouverites. But it's also a generational thing.

I've met people from Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, the Maritiimes, and northern BC. Everyone from those parts of the world generally live up to the Canadian stereotype of being polite, friendly and respectful. People that are born and raised in Vancouver, seem to think they're gods gift to everybody they walk on the same street as, and hell hath no fury as a vancouverite scorned.

As for the generational aspect of it, the vast majority of the people iv met who are 30 ish and older, and from other parts of Canada, generally say that people in this city are a lot nicer and friendlier then people from wherever they are from (except Newfies, they are the friendliest people in the world, and they know it too).

The vast majority of the people iv met who are younger then that, and from other parts of Canada, generally have the same opinion as the original poster. I think somehow, somewhere along the lines, the last generation of people who came here and had families (probably some of the people responding in this conversation) are the cause of the younger generation of Vancouverites' arrogance.

And i dont generally include people from other parts of the world in this conversation (yes, its one iv had a lot). A lot of other cultures have a "dont talk to strangers" mentality, which is a shame, but those cultures must have evolved that way for a reason. And interestingly enough, the majority of Vancouverites that AREN'T stuck up Douchebags and princesses, are the first and second generations of families who originally come from other places in the world outside of Canada.

As for the people who are from here, and agree with and justify the stereotype Vancouverites have, i do respect your right to an opinion, and i respect your willingness to stand up for that opinion a great deal more, but please, move to the states.

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born and raised

Sep 3, 2015 at 11:57am

I'm a born and raised vancouverite. The majority of my coworkers and acquaintances regularly comment on how I'm the nicest, most genuine person they've known (not tooting my own horn, it's just the truth). In the past 10 years or so, I've only met a handful of other born and raised vancouverites- people are always commenting on how unusual it is to actually meet someone who is from here.

So given those facts, I'm not sure how such a tiny percentage of the population could be responsible for the bad behaviour of the entire city population? I could be ignorant and point out that these facts would suggest that it's the people who have moved here over the decades that have eroded the friendly nature of vancouver (because as @that's funny mentions, vancouver used to be a very friendly, easy going city in the 80s), but that would be stereotyping and generalizing and I know that such comments are rarely entirely true.

Rather than complaining and trying to blame others for a lack of a friendly culture, how about stepping up and doing your part to bring back the great culture that vancouver used to have? Oh that's right, you aren't from vancouver so you have no idea how great this city used to be.

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