Women's liberation

Women's lib is a nightmare. I am working full time, long hours, taking care of all the bills, arrangements, cooking and most cleaning etc. Sure my partner makes meals occasionally and vacuums..........but it is not enough. Society feels men should get a medal if they make a meal. The 1950's housewife had it easy. I want to have a child but I would have to take on all the responsibility and work.


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You know...

Sep 24, 2015 at 2:16am

you could have picked a partner who believes in true equality.

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Sep 24, 2015 at 6:41am

you can try talking to him but it seems like he is well trained to watch and not help.

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Sep 24, 2015 at 8:06am

women's lib doesn't say do ur partners work too. it allows you to work and get a divorce, and claim spousal abuse. woman's lib giives you more power, not more chores,thats a different issue

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you would never have survived the 50s

Sep 24, 2015 at 8:28am

Seriously? Washing everything by hand, no anti microbial soap or paper towel, you have no clue what life was like in the 50s.

Your problem is obvious. Instead of marrying a man, you married a child. So you are already doing two jobs, being a mother and a wife. If you can't see this then you're beyond help. ...assuming this isn't a troll. ... which it very well may be.

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Or maybe

Sep 24, 2015 at 9:00am

You like to be in control & arent getting enough credit/praise for all that you do? Tell your partner you need more help. Society and Women's lib have nothing to do with your situation, which by the way, you've created and are fully participating in.

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Sep 24, 2015 at 9:38am

You chose this life, deal with it and like you know said, you definitely had a choice in a partner too!

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Sep 24, 2015 at 9:50am

Wow those people saying that you have a choice in the matter are ignorant. When you married this person you most likely had no idea what you were really getting yourself into and I'm guessing that you love him.

Personally I'd love to not have to work and find a man that doesn't mind taking care of me in exchange for the children taken care of and a clean house and errands completed and anything else. But thanks to advances in modern technology all those jobs don't take as long as they used to. I'd much rather stay home play music and clean all day and not worry about the stresses of a job but those men and that lifestyle doesn't exist unless your really wealthy and since Im lower class no one will even give me a second glance.

I see what your saying. It sucks that the empowerment of woman has had the side effect of requiring them to work while still continuing to do all the chores. It has become "yes women you can work so long as you still do all the chores so here take on all this extra work oh and by the way we are still going to pay you less"

People will say you should leave him but if you love him is that really an option? They say you created it, not really, your just dealing with the hand you were given. If this guy is anything like the men I know, he wont change. He will just bitch about the issue and make you feel bad. It's up to you what to do about that.

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Question is....

Sep 24, 2015 at 10:16am

WHO got liberated?

The men obviously.

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Sep 24, 2015 at 10:25am

Lower your standards - not of him, of what needs to be done. IMHO many women unconsciously compete with other women, and their partner, raising standards far above what the guy would set for himself if living on his own, or what women expected of themselves 30 or 40 years ago.

Think of helicopter parenting. Think of kid's schedules now, or "thank you cards", dinner parties, "systems" for the household, a OCD approaches to social scheduling, carefully planned diets, etc. Many small and extremely time consuming traditions men would never, ever take on or expect of each other. An insanely escalating arms-race of societal expectations that most men are not keen to follow.

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Sep 24, 2015 at 12:01pm

Do what you should be doing as a woman in the first place - home care and child rearing! All of this women's lib BS and women trying desperately to do it all!!! What a load!

Listen, just because YOU'VE been sucked into the hype and decided to abandon traditional roles, why does that mean your husband should do the same - is that what HE signed up to!?

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