Doing time in Aspietown

'After her diagnosis, she also read books about Asperger's and began asking for more social advice. "I learned that if you smile and say hello, that's an outward sign that you want to be friends." Before, she would avert her gaze, stay silent and agonize over why people did not like her.' Verbatim quote from an article on autism. I just about fell off my stairclimber... That's like a Tuesday in Vancouver. And before you call me a freak, well, cardio at 2:30 AM. DUH. Also, some will scream about how they're the exception. Which is kinda my point. It's official, Vancouver. It's not the haters. It's you.


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Similar behaviours

Sep 24, 2016 at 8:14am

-wearing rings on their fingers so "guys won't harrass me at clubs" (unless they want guys to buy them drinks for talking for 5 minutes) then complaining to any nearby female that women outnumber men by five or seven or ten to one in Vancouver.

-similar complaints about the imaginary ratio,yet guys outnumber women on Craigslist usually by about fifty to one. In September is 2200 guys and about 50 women. Sure,some of the ads are looking for sex and in the wrong category,but still.
Other dating sites,men outnumber women by high ratios.

-putting up ads on dating sites,they complain about getting 200 replies (yet reading a handful) and never bother looking at the guy's profile. Hint: you can tell who looked at your profile.
Then complain about "no men in Vancouver"

-about said dating sites,I've heard women (in several different office jobs) the monday lunch rant session about how they got twenty or fify replies on the dating profile,then laugh about how they never read any of them. Twenty minutes later complaining about no "real" men in Vancouver.
Seeking validation and attention,while the years tick by and their dating value quickly drops.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

0 0Rating: 0

Well put...but you missed the mark.

Sep 24, 2016 at 9:20am

It's not vancouver
Is the haters!

0 0Rating: 0


Sep 24, 2016 at 10:09am

Maybe you should get an up-to-date copy of DSM V ; then you won't sound like an out-of-touch loser for discussing discredited diagnoses that were based on a few notes from the 50s...
Oh, and while you're at it, maybe do some research into autism and why you think that people who are so lost within themselves that they can't even take a walk around the neighborhood without getting lost should suddenly stop dead in their tracks and take an interest in you... why are you special?
It's not them, it's YOU.

0 0Rating: 0

First of all...

Sep 24, 2016 at 3:15pm

"In May 2013, the APA published the 5th edition of the DSM - and Asperger's Syndrome disappeared". Not to discredit you... just the facts.

Let me tell you a story. Once I lived in a place that I didn't particularly like as I had had a few really negative experiences with people there. I soon realized that my experiences had distorted my view of this place even though I knew it was not the place but the fact that my negative experiences in that place had caused me to make generalizations about that place. I felt relief when I realized that I did not have remain in this particular place. Nine months later I had left by airplane. One way. I never looked back. Now I live in a new place that I like much better. The End.

The moral of the story is, it is all about your experiences and perception.

I am a high functioning person on the Autism Spectrum.

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Sep 24, 2016 at 4:37pm

Oh, Snacky, you're adorable. So absolutely dependable...

The article is a few months old, the person was interviewed for it, and her diagnosis is quite recent.

And it's a spectrum disorder, ranging from the barely perceptible to the barely functioning. As I know too well.

From your response, you're the one that seems to think that anyone with Asperger's or some other form of autism, is only fit for the cupboard under the stairs. I see a more diversely afflicted population... though no less afflicted for all that.

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