Sketchy Condo living.

I have worked for a number of years as a building manager for different codo complexes and some of the less than legal stuff I see really gets me down. Right now I'm dealing with people running a "business" where they rent several suites in the building, then rent them out again as temporary rentals and Airbnbs. I can't report them because they are doing this through a strata-council member who is also involved with their "business". They're operating all over the city, not just in the building where I work, and they are only one among many "businesses" doing this, often without the owner's knowledge. I have had to deal with gang assholes, drug dealers and sex trade workers. I've seen so many people snorting drugs on the security cameras it's not funny. I had a resident tell me she was opposed to a low income complex being built nearby because she didn't want "druggies" living near her, unaware of the "druggies" living right beside her in her own building, but I guess it's okay if you're rich. And Vancouver is just slapping up more of these things, everywhere I look, a new money tower is mushrooming up ready to be flipped for maximum profit. When real-estate becomes a commodity rather than a place to live, it doesn't bode well for anyone, like me, who makes less than a six figure income. Vancouver, you're breaking my heart, also Airbnb, I really, really hate you you with a burning passion.


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You can do something...

Jun 2, 2017 at 2:53pm

Call CRA. Anonymous tip line. Provide names, addresses, rental info, etc. The criminals will be assessed tax on the rental income. Hit them where it hurts.

You know what...

Jun 2, 2017 at 3:49pm

If i found out that someone was renting my home, and then going behind my back and renting it out on Airbnb as a profit making sideline - i'd fukn snap!!

And if, further to that i discovered that the building manager knew about the scam and had said nothing - that manager would wish they were never ever born!!

"... I can't report them because they are doing this through a strata-council member who is also involved with their "business"..."

What the hell are you talking about!? That's called a SCAM. It's highly illegal and deeply unethical! You get your scared little ass in to whatever authority you need to and expose it! Get these scumbags prosecuted. If nothing else, send an anonymous letter/email to the proper owners and tell them what's up, let them take action!

If it ever got uncovered, and the manager was implicit by not doing anything about it - i would sue your ass.


Jun 2, 2017 at 4:32pm

After reading 500 confessions written by crazies, finally a rational assessment of reality in Vancouver 2017.

Sketchy condo living.

Jun 3, 2017 at 10:41am

I have reported these sorts of scams many times, sometimes it results in an eviction by the owner but the majority of the time the owner doesn't care, the most that usually happens is a fine is issued by the strata, the fine is either paid as the price of doing business or it's ignored. If it's ignored, the only recourse the strata has is they can drag the owners to court, messy and expensive, especially if the owner doesn't live in Vancouver, or they can wait until the owner sells the suite. Then can force them to pay any outstanding fines they incurred before they can sign the property over. If it's an investment that you're planning to flip in a couple of years, just the illusion of it being occupied is fine if it will help you avoid paying empty condo penalties or extra taxes. I'm pretty sure the very low occupancy rate in Vancouver is the result of these multiple units being rented by the same people. It's not just condos either, they go after apartment buildings as well. I'm almost certain a good 50-60 % of Airbnb listings are breaking civic and strata laws in Vancouver. Airbnb has made some sort of token concession that they're cracking down on illegal rentals but honestly, it would hurt their bottom line too much if they did this for real. The easiest way to crack down on this problem? Force Airbnb and other temporary rental companies to impose a rule that building addresses must be listed in their ads before they can be posted. I guarantee this will end a large part of the problem right there. And cowards like me, who live paycheque to paycheque in this unaffordable city, don't have to worry about losing their livelihood if they take a risk and actually report it. And for what? The majority of strata buildings are aware this is going on but it's easier to collect fines and ignore the problem then deal with it. I'll lose my job and they'll just keep doing it anyway.

9 14Rating: -5

Yet another example

Jun 3, 2017 at 12:30pm

Of how the rich screw over the hard working.... and then we wonder why our housing is so unaffordable.

Best to tell the manager... oh wait..

Jun 3, 2017 at 11:26pm

Isn't it your fucking job to be involved with stuff like this? I agree with the poster above, I would be fucking pissed if I rented my place to someone, and found out they were renting it out behind my back to whomever, risking big time damage and profiting off my property.

Pissed enough I would be taking legal action.

Although the owners really should be more hands on in making sure the tenants are living there and taking care of things as agreed upon. If not in person then with a property manager.


Jun 9, 2017 at 6:48pm

Please report these a**holes.

Re: confessions written by crazies

Jun 17, 2017 at 10:10pm

Amen to that.

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