Forbidden Fruit

I once saw an apple in the staff room and thought it was from the previous night. Turns out it belongs to my boss, who often brings apples in and leaves them there for her lunch later. I bring in snacks all the time so it evens out, right?


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As long....

May 19, 2018 at 5:04pm

as you didn't slurp on her peach.

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Nope, not the same

May 19, 2018 at 7:15pm

Accepting something you've been offered is very different from just taking something sitting unattended. You are the selfish reason we have to hide our food at work so jerks don't just help themselves. Don't fool yourself: even if you didn't mean to steal from someone this is still theft. Maybe respect people's stuff or at least ask around to make sure it is available.

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Gonna assume

May 20, 2018 at 6:52am

You ended up stealing it?

0 0Rating: 0

That's theft

May 20, 2018 at 7:53am

You're a food thief. Someone else paid for that food, and you stole it. If you're so cheap you'll steal an apple who knows what else around the office you'll decide to steal *just because.* Learn to respect other people's property. I hope you get caught and get fired!

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