Can't get over it...

Two years ago I was sexually assaulted. I went to the police and they did nothing. There wassnt enough evidence to lay charges so the person walks away. I'm haunted by what they did to me. I can't do things I love, i can't trust people. I want to get over it and close these wounds but I cannot. I tried to get my story out as a warning about this person but most people told me to keep my drama to myself and didn't want to believe me. What should I do? How do I heal?


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If there...

Jun 21, 2018 at 9:20am

... was not enough evidence to have a judge declare the person guilty, then you should realize you were not raped, because the person is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of competent jurisdiction. Your view is only one view. You need to learn respect for epistemology, you have no privileged access to findings of law.

The clear issue here is that you are mistaken. Until you adopt a truth-centric worldview, you will suffer reverberation.

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Same Boat

Jun 21, 2018 at 10:05am

Have you tried counselling? You've been through a traumatic situation and it is not a situation you should try working through on your own. The only other thing I can suggest, if you don't want to go to counselling, is that you need to want to get over it and close the wounds. Continuing to try and persecute this person in your social circle isn't moving past the assault - it's living in it. I'm sorry this happened to you, I'm sorry the police felt there wasn't enough evidence and I'm sorry the people around you aren't supportive. But you also need to help yourself accept the situation and move past it. Without that, you'll never heal.

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Attitude Adjustment

Jun 21, 2018 at 10:07am

Stop saying that you *can’t* get over it. You CAN and you WILL move past it in time. You need to reset your thinking about it. Don’t let this experience stop you from living your life. This sort of thing happens to most people whether anyone thinks so or not, most people have gone through some type of traumatic sexual experience in their life. It can be devastating but you don’t have to let it filter into every facet of your life. It is over now. It happened 2 years ago and nobody could help you. Now you can only help yourself. Pick yourself up and stop giving power to the situation. Only give power to yourself in the pursuit to move forward.

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Go to...

Jun 21, 2018 at 10:20am

WAVAW. This happens to so many women. Even when the woman went to the hospital and a rape exam was done. Even when an investigation went on for months and months. Even when the woman in question was actually an underage girl. WAVAW (Women against violence against women) offers excellent services, and can help you immensely. Please don’t wait! You need to start your journey to healing right now.

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Jun 21, 2018 at 10:40am

Baby, you are not alone.

Reach out to support groups or start your own. #sexabusechat on twitter every tuesday nights, 6pm pst did wonders for me.

Heal...take time, tell friends and family what you need and set boundaries. Everything you think and feel is valid, please reach out and dont give up. I PROMISE it will get better.

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@ If there....

Jun 21, 2018 at 12:08pm

What nonsense you are spewing here wow... not enough evidence for a court of law doesn't mean the event didn't take place or that there is an objective 'truth' that is being missed. WOW seriously? You are saying if other people can't validate an experience you had somehow then you didn't have that experience. Get some help. Do not speak to others until you do.

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Jun 21, 2018 at 2:47pm

First: I believe you. How authorities and society turns their back to favour a speak, hear, do no evil is a matter of convenience in belief. It's alienating. I believe you completely.

Second: Some people are fucked. It's them. It does not define you. They may try to throw fog for themselves. It. Is. Them. This takes time.

Third: Wiser folk have suggested music, meditation, and martial arts. Seek your friends. Good friends. Know this: if you were the one I consider my best friend, there is no act of mayhem, fury, or mischief I would consider outside my personal jurisdiction if it meant I'd be by your side, for a moment, ethereally or not, and do certain things... If it meant you'd get some some respite, and healing would become more favorable.

You are loved. Speak and reach out to those that would listen. You know best who they are.

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Go through not around

Jun 21, 2018 at 6:42pm

I have had multiple experiences with sexual assault from 14 on. The best advice I could give is you DO NOT need validation from anyone that this happened. Rape isn't just about sex its about power...he assaulted your autonomy and yes, your body. However, the body heals it's the psyche that will falter especially if you let the circumstances surrounding your rape to turn you into a victim. Victimhood is 1000x more destructive than sexual assault. You hear about rape survivors all the time but regarding victims....they are "playing the victim".
He stole control of your body for awhile but the mind you give. Hard to rectify when women have been conditioned to associate sex with love, I know. My advice is go beyond resilience...tell that self-entitled jerk thank you for giving you the chance to become Antifragile. And see a counsellor/psychologist asap because guaranteed it's not just the assault causing you difficulties but it's forcing you to confront the inconsistencies in your own ideology. Some of the pain will subside once you start to open to Truth.
Side note: Religion has absolutely NO place in your recovery.

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Jun 22, 2018 at 6:35am

Gloria Allred, she'll gather up a posse of women with similar circumstances (like magic) and put it to the heathen.

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Empathetic Person

Jun 22, 2018 at 12:41pm


oh wow. I had no idea of this place! I could've really used it in 2009.

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