Ludicrous marijuana legislation

What irks me the most about the laws that will be coming into force are the laws regarding cultivation and possession of marijuana. It is really terribly difficult to understand why alcohol is available in unlimited quantities and indeed promoted heavily meanwhile the absolutely less harmful recreational or medicinal substance is demonized once again. It has been at least 40 years since I have gotten piss drunk, although I do enjoy a glass of wine, a beer, etc moderation is key, and while on the other hand just use medicinal marijuana for the most part, to function as a normal human being, use far more of it with less harmful effect. Overall health is good, no kidney problems, no addiction issues, no driving while impaired. Today's youth are enjoying the pleasures of people who for many decades stubbornly refused to quit smoking weed, always believing in the ultimate "good" or positive effect and seeking to increase that for the user by creating more useful strains. This should be acknowledged somehow in my opinion, by everyone who appreciates what is now coming to pass as some of the stigma may be removed. Can you imagine if the government tried to tell you how many beer or what type to buy? Or that you could not even make your own? It seems a monumental shame to bring about the legalization in this way, hope it changes.


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Regarding alcohol

Jun 22, 2018 at 3:43pm

Sorry to counter your eloquent argument with facts, but the government does not heavily promote alcohol. On the contrary, both federal and provincial governments impose heavy excise taxes that are generally built into the marked price; GST and PST are then computed on that marked price. As an example, the BC Liquor Distribution Branch's markup (i.e., excise tax) on wines is 89% as of July 2016.

Seems like....

Jun 22, 2018 at 8:07pm

the Government wants a monopoly in the Pot industry, like tobacco, tax the shit out of it and make it illegal to cultivate your own supply.

14 7Rating: +7

It's the $

Jun 23, 2018 at 7:26am

Nuff said

11 8Rating: +3

Practice patience

Jun 23, 2018 at 11:32am

You seem to forget that liquor laws have been evolving forever in this country. At one time or another actoss this land you could not buy alcoholic beverages on a Sunday, you had to produce products in the province you wanted to sell them in, you were not allowed to browse the shelves and had to line up to buy your product of choice from the displayed items, you had to have a meal to buy an alcoholic drink in a restaurant, no happy hours, even when happy hours came in linits inposed on how they operate. I could go on but my point is that alcohol is still subject to some of these laws but they are slowly loosening. The same will happen with marijuana.

9 7Rating: +2

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