I'm crazy?

It's funny how a guy will call his girlfriend crazy..after he beats on her, forces her to perform sex acts, flaunts texts from other girls, has dating site profiles, clues to his infidelity everywhere...brags about being a player...all while saying she deserved it and he's not a cheater. No I didnt deserve it and yeah I'm crazy but that's cause the whole relationship was one giant GASLIGHT. Sorry but as soon as you put your hands on your partner in anger (and she didn't get in your face or hit you first)...then it's no longer 50/50 you're 100% to blame for the negativity in the relationship. Especially if you won't let her leave.


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You're not crazy

Jul 12, 2018 at 7:06pm

He wanted you to be so he'd have free reign. But he's weak, it's why he tried to control you. Not everyone's like him, get out there.


Jul 12, 2018 at 8:12pm

she should leave....but....how would her co-dependence be his fault ?

Gone But Not Forgotten

Jul 13, 2018 at 8:02am

Sounds like the run-of-the-mill Narcissist, covert. You fell in love with the 'false-self' they created to gain attention/admiration/gifts/praise ect... Dealt with one myself- the damage from tango'ing with one of these (male or female) is life-changing. However, if the damage is something you can't forget then why not lay real low for awhile and then serve it up, cOld as ice :)

17 7Rating: +10

He sounds like a total loser

Jul 13, 2018 at 10:24am

Please know your worth, even if you didn’t before, and get out. It’s called a wake up call and you’re allowed bad decisions, as long as you wake up and learn from it.

15 7Rating: +8


Jul 13, 2018 at 10:32am

Sounds like narcissist personality disorder (NPD) or BPD. Cut all ties and run.

14 6Rating: +8

Been there, done that.

Jul 13, 2018 at 8:05pm

This describes my last relationship to a tee. Could very well be the exact same person in fact. I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this knowing just how much of a mindfuck it can be. Two years later and I still haven't fully recovered but I'm proud of myself for being strong enough to finally walk away from the manipulation and endless guilt-trips.

17 9Rating: +8


Jul 14, 2018 at 11:25am

Sounds like he thinks he's an alpha male. Sadly, what most BPD/NPD guys think (especially if they are steroid abusers) is that to be alpha means to be a bully. But if you look at apes, rarely are the bully alphas successful in their campaigns or holding on to their positions or respect.
Chances are this guy is gonna have A LOT of bad luck coming his way...all his own doing. And codependency doesn't make any of this your fault. It did however allow him to sniff you out and find you a perfect candidate for his abuse though. If you're out now your best bet is to find a way to channel that codependency into the service of others who actually need it and appreciate it instead of the black hole of pathetic that he was.

10 6Rating: +4

Crazy making

Jul 17, 2018 at 9:04pm

That is the term used to describe this behavior.
The book "why does he do that" by Lundy Bancroft explains in detail all the different behaviors that makes up abuse. It's shocking how Textbook some of the behavior that I now recognize is..... Disclaimer....abuser can be male or female.
This form of abuse is dangerous because it wears down the victim. Best scenario is to leave and NEVER look back.

4 6Rating: -2

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