Thinking of Moving Back to Calgary

I never thought I would say this, BUT I am seriously considering moving back to Calgary (and no, I am not one to "hate" on Vancouver or complain all day - can't stand those people). It's not about cost of living or rent. I can afford it and I believe it's all about choices anyways. And no, it does NOT rain here all winter day in and day out - why people say it does all the time drives me insane. But, I have lived here for 17 years, and although I had a lot of fun here and good experiences, I can't stop thinking about my aging parents. Being close to them and having that time with them seems priceless. I also don't care about nightlife anymore ... had more than my share, so it's not as though I am concerned about "being bored" in Calgary. I guess my main worry is leaving a great climate and the film industry, as it is a side source of income and a fun hobby. Calgary also gets COLD and I love the Seawall (walk all the time) and the ocean is peaceful. I'm excited at the thought of moving, but a little weary at the same time. Will I regret it?! Anyone else move back to Calgary or would you? Feeling stressed.


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Do what works best

Apr 1, 2021 at 12:42am

I haven’t lived in Calgary, so no help there, but do what your heart says.

Seems like there are things you like a lot about Vancouver. Is it feasible to move back if you did a shorter stint in Calgary?

I’ve moved a fair bit in life, and Vancouver is where I’ve been the longest. At times I crave a move to a new place, but I think it’s because I thought that was normal in my youth.

8 4Rating: +4

Of course

Apr 1, 2021 at 3:33am

Vancouver does have some beautiful sites, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to move. You need to do whatever works best for you. It’s healthy to have a change of scenery. Good luck.

12 4Rating: +8


Apr 1, 2021 at 3:33am

Having lived in both, and from the sound of it you want to go back to Calgary. You have done your time in Vancouver, and have grown slowly tired of it.

Now you want to go home. To see your parents. Impossible to do when you are in Vancouver.

The weather? Try living in that swampland where they built Edmonton. Calgary is in the arid, desert part of Alberta, which happens to be my favourite part of all Canada.

5 5Rating: 0


Apr 1, 2021 at 7:24am

I've lived all over the world and 'home' is just what you make of the place you're in. Everywhere offers wonders and wonderful people.

9 4Rating: +5

You won't know til you try

Apr 1, 2021 at 8:04am

I was the same. Lived in Vancouver for years but had an urge to move back to my home town. So I did it. Hasn't worked out for me, but you won't be able to tell for certain until you try it. Good luck!

8 3Rating: +5


Apr 1, 2021 at 8:12am

It doesn't have to be forever that you live in Calgary. Spending the time with your parents seems a compelling reason to move back. Vancouver will still be here.

8 3Rating: +5


Apr 1, 2021 at 10:47am

I absolutely would not ever move back to Calgary, but I'm also allergic to selfish conservative nonsense, which they big time breed in Calgary. I go back to see family, but I'm always grateful to leave again. It's a pretty road trip in the summer, too.

10 6Rating: +4

Hard choices.

Apr 1, 2021 at 2:17pm

I didn't want to return to Canada, after living overseas I found it's just bland frankly, beautiful but just lacks culture, passion and dynamism that I've seen elsewhere, but my mother asked me to stay after my father died. Honesty it's been an enormous challenge. I try to make the best of it, but there isn't a day that goes by I wish I was elsewhere. Watching my mother grow older is a constant reminder that I've growing older and running out of time and I don't want to spend my remaining days on earth in Vancouver. I guess this is me being an adult? Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do for the people we love. It's difficult I know, but it's not always about us.

15 4Rating: +11

Something to Consider...

Apr 1, 2021 at 6:50pm

Would your parents be open to moving to Vancouver? You would be solely responsible for them if they moved here. They would enjoy the climate much better here for sure. Most of my family lives in Calgary, I've been in the okanagan and now Vancouver for 2 years now, love it! I think most people think they can't afford Vancouver (myself included) but you can find a home in your price range here if you keep your expectations reasonable and don't succumb to FOMO fever. I bought a condo in the West End last summer and I'm a single earning household.

4 3Rating: +1

I'd move most my loved ones were from there

Apr 1, 2021 at 7:34pm

If most my family wasn't here on the west coast, I don't think I would hesitate to move out of the Ring of Fire. I keep getting nasty dreams of tsunamis over 600 ft tall, earthquakes, volcanoes etc. It could be my extrasensory perception alarm going off, but I'm not afraid of death, and I can go at anytime. I'm just afraid of not having my favorite company around me should I survive.

8 4Rating: +4

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