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Not Settling

I am a good person and I deserve love in my life. Its hard dating in the city. Most men are only after one thing and once they get it they disappear. My friends and I are all beautiful, intelligent, hard working, and accomplished people yet we're all single. I will not settle for anyone who doesn't light my soul on fire.

Finally got my libido back omg

I’ve been on a serious dry months...I did not give a single fuck about getting off or getting anyone else off. Well..I guess the dam broke the other day because I have been listening to redditGWA since Sunday afternoon and fuxking myself in the most inopportune moments... like every single one. Driving. At work while writing reports. Getting up in the middle of the night to go get off because I can’t sleep. Right now as I’m writing. It is getting a little intense. Right now. Meta exhibitionism..writing about getting off in public, while getting off in the sounds of people getting off in public..I mean does it ever end? I hope not..

It was me

I'm the one who told on him because the rest of y'all are too paralyzed by fear and apathy after so many years of abuse. Plus something about "family". I'm the reason the vet asks you so many questions during each visit. But when you asked me why of course I attributed his behavior to "professional intuition". Dear Dr. Vet:. thank you for protecting me by ignoring me during the entire visit.

Not Fair

Landlords listen up! Are you aware that tenants with children actually cause 3.75 times more damage on average than pets? Are you also aware you are violating the human rights code to not rent to me and my non human companion? I depend on them to function in life and you are doing yourself a selfish deed by slamming the door in my face when I'm in dire need of a safe place to live. Stop this "no pets allowed" bullshit. I've seen little snotty faced brats do far worse damage than any pet as big as a horse. Frustrated.

Addicted to food...

...videos. I am dealing with an illness and I’m frequently unable to eat. Since it started I’ve become obsessed with watching those little videos where they make a food dish, or I watch cooking shows. It’s comforting somehow.

Gymin’ it

I felt like garbage these last 5 months from too much work and work related stress. I’ve done a hard reset this November: stopped the nightly drinking (to deal with the stress), stopped feeding my body comforting junk food, stopped drinking coffee, started eating high quality proteins again, re-upped my salad intake, eating chewy and filling grains, forcing myself to do a ton of workouts again like I used to before... And I feel great, just after 13 days of this. My body doesn’t ache anymore. I’m not puffed out anymore. I feel calm and happier. I have regained that feeling like I can take on the world again. I need the gym like I need air. It was my mistake to let work take over my life and letting myself stop doing the essential things that I need to do to keep myself happy, satisfied and healthy. This is where I should be. I thought it was depression but it was my lifestyle that I let slip due to work.

"Liberals" defacing churches?

My worry is that this will all evolve into another unforgivable part of Canadian history, if young "educated" idiots are taught that this behaviour leads towards some imaginary greater idealistic perfect society, when this behaviour instead derails, segments, and upturns society in a way that leads to tragedy that the millennials have only seen on TV or Vice News YouTube clips. Sorry. Maybe it's not the education system. Maybe it's just the YouTube generation.


I’m looking back at my daytimer and journal. I just realized I’ve had a pretty shitty year.

I will not kneel

I don't care if I am the last man earth with hair on his chest. I'm not shaving or waxing my chest. I don't care if I am the oddball, if people think it is old fashioned, I don't care if I never get laid again. Sometimes you just have to take a stand for what you believe in.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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