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Love my slurrey

And it’s future light rail project cuz it can’t handle high speed infrastructure. It is doomed to be okay. Have fun with long commutes to anywhere outside of sluurrey.

Over drug culture

Honestly I am barely 23 and I don't have any friends even near my age because a large majority can't go out without doing drugs. I want you all to know how lame you look when you're tweaking, when your eyes are fucked and you're talking too fast. I want you to know how fucking lame I think you are when you hint in a conversation about doing coke on an upcoming party. And how embarrassed I am to be around you when you're high off your rocker, trying to ignore your overconfident ramblings. This friend circle I was in, we recently lost a good friend to an accidental Fentanyl overdose from some bad blow. He went to his same "trusted source". "No its cool, I know this guy." It's not worth it anymore! And they all still do it! Why not just smoke some weed about it? IDC who you get it from or if he's a friend. A drug dealer is a fucking drug dealer and in the end he probably doesn't even know where it came from. Save your lives, because you look like fucking idiots when you're high anyways. Talk about a buzz kill. all these rappers who brag about doing big Pharma housewife drugs will all die off from it, I don't wish it upon them but it'll happen. And maybe then this era will die off. And the youth will remember how to have fun... until then, me and my mom friends are going to drink at a local Brewery smoke some weed and be home by midnight. Peace out.

I know what you think when you see me.

I know you think I’m lazy. I’m sure you think I’m stupid. You might even believe I don’t care about myself. “Damn they would be so attractive if they just lost that extra weight”. You think I don’t see you stare. Ask yourself the next time those thoughts pop into your heads: do you have any idea what I’m going through? Do you know about the time I was raped? Do you know about the yo yo diets and years I have spent hating myself? I don’t need your pity. I don’t need you to feel sorry for me or guess or make assumptions. I just need you to remember I am a human being and I see you. You think you see me but you only see the surface. I am smart. I am warm. I am loved. I do take care of myself. I am doing my best. So step off.

early morning

I was working early this morning, i saw you drive by, im sure you saw me as well, i didnt wave, i actually wasnt sure what i should do. but i know how i felt as you drove by, sorry that i screwed up, wishing that we we're still together, i still think about you and miss you, but i also hope that your doing amazing.

Sorry, not sorry.

When you’re sitting on the outside seat on the bus and your bag or whatever is taking up the window seat, I’m purposely asking to sit there even when there are 10+ other empty seats.... just to annoy you. I know you people get annoyed so easily and it’s fun watching you fidget around now that you have to sit next to a human Hahahaha.


Last night I dreamed I was in the arms of the man I've loved for years. I woke up beside a different man - who couldn't have been further away. Is a dream just a dream? or is this a message from the inner workings of me..


If the divorce rate of our parents' generation is close to 50%, that means that half of us do not have good relationship role models. I certainly don't. My parents resent each other to the point of using me as a ref (I feel like I'm babysitting toddlers), but are not divorced, for cultural reasons. Now let's suppose that people with good relationship modelling marry or settle down early-enough in life. (One example that comes to mind is people who meet in university - so, early 20's - and stay together.) So these people are not single. That leaves the rest of us. Is it any wonder that dating is difficult? Why should I be surprised that we treat each other so cruelly, or allow ourselves to be disrespected when that's the only thing we've seen growing up?

Feeling rough

I went to bed before 7pm last night and cried myself to sleep.

You like me!

You really like me-because I saw the light in your eyes. Still don't you think there should be something more to it than merely bewitching bothering and bewildering an acolyte?


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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