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Best sex of my life

I have been married for a long time and the sex is getting better and better,Thanks to my little affair and all the men we have slept with.

so much bs

In a moment of clarity before I revert back to love-struck moron I just want to say: you're a jerk. Women can be jerks too, and you are DEFINITELY a jerk. I don't even believe you leave these breadcrumbs to keep me on the bench as backup. I think you're just twisted and insecure. But I'm sure I'll be back to idiot within hours so congrats I guess.

Smoke break

I'm done with you smokers and the constant breaks. What gives you the right to drop everything you're doing and go outside? Because you're a smoker? So what? Why can't you have a smoke on your lunch break and designated coffee breaks? You really have no other excuse than "I want to". Well fine then, each time you go for a smoke I'm taking a break for 5 min right after.

Toe nail clippings

I throw them out of my apartment window. Try and stop me.

Overly Insecure Electronic Self

My roommate thought I was hacking her computer, or something magical, because one day it showed that her internet connection was unsecure. I don't know the details, but she's 32, living with new roomies, working retail, and crazy. I am soooo glad to not live there anymore. When people start accusing you of hacking because of random events on their computer, it's a sign to get the hell out ASAP.

Should I stay or should I go

I just turned 28, and am in my first/only relationship. We've been together for 3 years and live together. I care about him so much, but I've been finding myself curious about other guys...Because my bf is the only person I've slept with, or done anything sexual with beyond kissing (I was very timid). A part of me wants to be single for a bit to explore other options. I'm good looking and get attention from other men, and a part of me feels like my youth is passing by. My bf is several years older than me, so he has his own experiences, and it makes me a little jealous sometimes because I don't. He's such a great person and loves me so much, but I admit I have always had an uncertainty about our relationship. I can't have everything though, it's either stay with someone who adores me and treats me well but keep having these feelings of wanting more freedom, or leave him and be thrown into a world of unknown, where it could suck or be amazing. Where is the grass greener?

Hands on

My vibrator broke and I’ve had to make do without it for two weeks now, as I was away. I’ve never really been able to come without one, so I got pretty dependent on it.... But this two weeks has been revolutionary! Even though it takes way longer to come, my orgasms are so much better, and deeper without it. think it was ruining me and making me need way more stimulation in my non solo sex as well. My confession is that I’m weirdly proud of myself for how good I’ve gotten at getting myself off :p

Lucky lass

I recently reconnected with an old flame. He's cute, he's worldly, he's well-traveled, he's intelligent, he's everything I could ask for, but--given this day and age--do you know what the best thing about him is? He calls me. He has no use for text conversations and will text me only for short messages like when he's picking me up ("I'm downstairs") but he calls me every morning to talk, he calls me to discuss plans, he calls me if he has a question, he calls me like we all used to do before smartphones and apps fucked the whole thing right up. I haven't been in something this normal and healthy in well over a decade.

I hope Vision gets Erased come next election

it used to be that 100% social housing developments received city subsidies. Then Vision changed the meaning of "social housing" to at least 30% social in order to give subsidies to the developers who are now also cashing in on the remaining 70% rented at market value. We're too apathetic! Montrealers would have rioted.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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