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Disrespectful Concert Goers

I attended the Ty Segall acoustic gig recently. 75% of the crowd didn't listen to the artist they paid to see, instead they talked to each other. I could barely hear Ty over the crowd's chatter. I don't pay to hear your drunk chatter, I pay to see accomplished musicians do their thing. Were half of you there simply to look cool? Shut up, listen, and be respectful at concerts.

can someone help me? or how do I help myself?

I must confess I feel lost. Stuck really. I don't have a job right now, I don't really know what I am doing with my life. I have a law degree, but haven't done my articling yet. I'm simply paralyzed in my life. I don't know what to do. I am unhappy.

Approaching Women in Public

To answer last week's confession, why don't men approach women and ask them out for coffee dates? As a man I can say this: in our best efforts to be respectful men, we understand women don't enjoy being approached by strangers. Why would we do something that makes a woman uncomfortable and also has the potential to make us feel embarrassed and rejected? It's a lose-lose scenario. In the wake of the #MeToo movement, it may be time for women to approach men in public. Take the power back, become the initiators. I use online dating because I know those women actually want dates and want to chat with men.

Keeping secrets

I’ve been reading some comments to posts talking about abusive people and noticed that there’s this theme to many of them suggesting that the person who is talking about it should “take the high road” and not talk about it, or they shouldn’t consider it abuse because they were just incompatible with their partner. I say bs to that. Telling someone who has been the target of their partner’s emotional or mental abuse that they shouldn’t tell anyone else about it is no different than telling someone who’s been the target of someone who physically assaulted them to keep it a secret. We tell children to tell us if they’re being bullied or if someone has been touching them in appropriately. We should be teaching everyone about emotional and mental abuse too. The damage done to a human being from this type of treatment can be totally devastating and can last a lifetime, especially if the victim is encouraged to believe that it didn’t happen or if it did it was no big deal and maybe it was even their fault. People who beat up someone else with their words or cruelty don’t get thrown in jail or face any type of consequences in a legal sense like might happen to someone who physically beats someone else. Shaming a victim into keeping their secret does nothing but ensure that the abuser gets to keep on abusing others. I think the people who are the most vocal about not telling are the same ones who are instrumental in protecting the abuser by trying to portray their victim as a vindictive crazy person with no credibility.


In the past month I’ve spent money on fatty food and beer out of stress. And I’m not feeling good at all. I just want to live a healthy sober life so as of tonight, I’m cutting the chips and booze out of my life for good. My new mission is to get skinny again and stay that way.


I'm getting the urge to tell someone I just ended things with that I love him. I think I'll resist... I'm pretty sure he doesn't even think I meant it when I said we shouldn't be in each other's lives anymore.

Fingers crossed

We are expecting a baby in 7,5 months. My secret wish is that he/she inherits the best of both of us. That he/she grows up to be as beautiful and hot as I am and as independent and strong as my wife is

to my former employer

recently saw someone i use to work with who still works for the company i left, i was reminded what a good choice it was and also how much happier i am not working for the place i gave two plus year of my life to. the back stabbing, toxic work environment, the harassment/bullying by co workers that when reported hr never did anything about, i dont miss that at all.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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