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Day 1

Went to bed sober last night. First time in.... Well, a long, long time. Had one beer after work and went outside for a walk instead of cracking a bottle. Feels good man.

Move to the music

I work in a downtown hotel, doing graveyards. It's not bad, I do choose to come here and there are some interesting perks to the job. At night I can put on any music I like, I don't get a lot of lobby traffic at 4am. Maybe the nights are catching up to me, but there is an interesting ballet seeing night cleaners moving to Purple Rain.


Yes I know that if you have a bubbly personality it's really code for overweight.

A clean break

Is what I did. It's hard, I pick up my phone and want to talk to you, yell at you, laugh with you and tell you off all at once. But I know it's no good, I'll be happy with euphoria at hearing your voice, then fall into despair as I realize you're still the same person I left. You've still got the same hangups and issues that I couldn't take anymore. Still the same drama and BS that ripped us apart. And you'll make the same empty promises. I know we had something great, and yes I really did fall in love with you. But you aren't the end all be all, I'll find another. And the next time we bump into one another it might be you looking longingly because I'll have you out of my system, clean break.

Can't call or text you

I want to so badly. I want to ask how you are doing. I want to tell you I miss you. Every broken heart confession I read on here, I keep wondering if it's you. Now I know I need to take a break from thinking like that.It's unhealthy for me to project all of my $H%& onto a random page. You can't begin to give me what I want, which is more time with you. The ball is in your court. If you asked, I would try to meet you in the middle but you won't contact me either. We're stuck. I have to move on but it really hurts.

the old lady that called me a liar on the bus today

Dear Old Lady, you called me an asshole and a liar for not giving you my seat today. I guess you didn't know, priority seating is for those in need. not just you, for being old. I understand you might not have expected to hear that I needed to stay sitting. I get it, I'm young and look fit and I may not look hurt. but i wasn't lying to you when i said it hurts to stand up. you called me a liar. If you knew the pain I've suffered through in the past 14 months. If there is one thing in this world I wish for on a daily basis, it's that I could just stand comfortably for a few minutes. or maybe, juuuust maybe, one day that I wasn't in excruciating pain... but it still hurts to stand. walking is hellish. And you had the gall to call me a liar. You demanded my seat because you are a senior. But refused to listen to me when I told the truth. could you not see the pain in my eyes? I wish I could stand and offer my seat to those who need it, like I always used to do. but today, today I needed to stay sitting. You actually called me an asshole for being disabled today. think about that for a moment. look inside yourself, just for a second. do you have no heart? no soul? is that the problem? go fuck yourself. learn to respect other human beings.


On a business trip I was feeling lonely so I slept with some random guy and my husband will never know.

What kind of rude person

moves into an apartment building with a piano? When your kid plays it they might as well be playing it in my suite 1 floor below. I shouldn't have to ask you, it's common sense. Buy an electric one with headphones, you don't live in a soundproof room.

Joni Sighting

When I lived in the small town that she lives in, I saw Joni Mitchell having coffee downtown. I didn't bother her by trying to say hi (she doesn't like the attention, I 've heard) but just enjoyed the afterglow. Haven't heard much about her lately but I hope her health is good. A National Treasure.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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