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Wish it was yesterday

Then I would of signed out lots of books, video games and movies from the library and not worry about them being late until they reopen after this pandemic is over. Should of done the same for bike, sports equipment and any other items that won’t be due back for a while as business & Govt centres close temporarily while this pandemic passes by like a stinky fart. Hmm, I wonder which car rental company will close first?

What's Happening To Me

I usually don't lose my temper in public. But I got yelly this morning on the bus, triggered by a perceived violation of transit rules by fellow passengers. It was silly of me. I think the real reason I lost it is the stress of seeing people out there not being safe, not following the rules so to speak. I am really sorry, but I guess I'm anxious and need to stay home and chill. Damn.

I hope everyone stays at home

It is the right thing to do. For those that cannot due to work, I hope the government steps in to somehow help. Like, how will retail workers cope? I don’t know how this is all working.

Open up the gyms again please

Please just limit the number of people allowed entry for one time and have longer hours. Your business can still function within the constraints of government recommendations. I don't want to be a fat unhappy little camper... Other than that, I will totally practice social distancing. In the meantime, long runs might be the answer to Facebook nuts pressuring to close down gyms. These jerks are like the communists of other times and pretend that this is the "moral" way forward.

Quiet thought

I want the virus to spread and infect everyone. I want everyone to contemplate that they might die, that those they love or simply value may die. Some may finally awaken to the level of interconnected ness of our civilization and maybe just maybe toss aside their outdated ideas and greed. I want covid to be the kick to the balls we all need to start fixing our society and planet.

Just fuckin horrible

I have a hard time giving a shit about anything. I need some love in my life.


While CoCo is on tour I find solace in taking space for myself. An opportunity to relish time and reflect. Maybe I'll gain better clarity for the things that are important to me this year. It's been a precious thing being able to sincerely reach out to dear ones and ask, 'How are you?'. Music: Johnny Costa - Won't You Be My Neighbour

So lost

My partner and I started dating in our 30s, and I stupidly mentioned wanting kids after about a year of being together. He got spooked and now I’m afraid to bring it up again years later. Now I’m stuck thinking “do I break up with him to find someone who wants to start a family, or suck it up and be childless and sad but with someone I really fucking love”. First world problems, I get it. I’m just so fucking sad every time I see babies and kids because I want that life. Even thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.

The Airlines will suffer

and I confess Im happy to watch them fail. Call it Karma.. Mickey mouse carriers treat their employees sooo poorly, it will be justice to watch them collapse...


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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