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I’ve never gotten a good hand job

I’ve never told my partners because they think what they are doing is really sexy but in reality it hurts like hell. They over stretch the skin and it feels like they are trying to give me an Indian burn. If you don’t know how to give a dry hand job use lube.


I can't figure out what I was attracted to. We are opposites. It feels good to let it go!

Funny Valentine

As silly as it sounds, I would really love to get a Valentine this year. I'm not talking about anything outrageous or romantic even... just a card or a flower or a note that said, "hey, I think you're pretty neat and I appreciate that you exist". That would make my day! Nothing wrong with a good old plutonic Valentines.


I've never been in debt.

Feeling defeated

I feel hopeless, drained and sad. I got laid off while on maternity leave and went back to night class 4 months post partum to complete my certificate. I have a lot of work experience and a piece of paper that says I completed some sort of schooling to make myself look better. I have sent out 48 resumes and I am getting nothing back. I am supposed to be happy but I feel like the world is working against me. I don't know how much longer I can go on being defeated.

Work crush

He comes around now and then, always makes eye contact with me in passing, yet re introduces himself each time when we somehow have an awkward encounter. I guess I'm not memorable enough that he forgets he's introduced himself to me about 5 times now. After the first few times I thought it was a cue to say who I was but the conversation was always cut short. I'm okay with that though; I kind of enjoy being in the background. Although he doesn't know I exist, I have a huge crush on him, but won't act on it. It's something small but my work crush is what I look forward to when coming to work everyday!

Fake Wedding Ring

Last month I finally fed up with all the creepy men staring at me on the skytrain, when they think I can’t see them. I was browsing rings on etsy because I had to replace a favourite ring that got eatten by my graborator and bought a pretty little wedding band as well. Now men are much more polite and don’t try to chat me up. It feels so much safer for me on transit. All ot took was a little ring on my left ring finger.

Crazy about you

I know we are just friends but I don’t like it when you talk to other girls when we are together :( and I wish someday we could be together because I’m crazy about you boi.

Would It Kill Guys To Make An Effort?

When you're going out how about dressing up a little? That would mean no jeans,even if they're not blue.Actual shoes and not hikers or sneakers. Ditch the sweater what about a nice shirt,and no not a red plaid shirt. We women put in a lot of effort to dress up,do make up and make an effort to look great so maybe shave and at least make SOME effort.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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