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Planning my exodus

I’m giving serious thought to quitting my job. I work in municipal government but won’t say which city. It was fine when I first got hired two years ago. I was excited and things were ok. But lately I haven’t been getting enough hours and honestly I cannot live off auxiliary work. What’s actually happening behind the scenes is blatant favouritism because unless if you’re a favourite among managers and supervisors, there’s no room for growth and development. You’re pretty much stuck at the bottom of the barrel. Right now I’m looking for something more steady and when that opportunity comes along, I’m going to give in my resignation and move on. Had enough of trying to weave through layers of bureaucracy and all this redtape bullshit. Wish me luck! Really hope to find another place where people are actually normal and will treat me with the utmost respect. Just trying to do whatever it takes to save myself.

Spelling and grammar police

I confess that I get irrationally annoyed when I read an e-book that contains numerous spelling and grammar mistakes. This includes books published by reputable publishers, not self-published. Obviously those companies need to hire editors with an education. If they don’t know 09that it’s “should have” and not “should of”, they’re in the wrong line of work!

Sex lingo

Every time I have sex and I’m about to orgasm, I just say that I have to pee instead of saying that I’m gonna cum.

I love you

I have a crush on my Canada post carrier. She is so friendly and nice. I want to ask her out but I don't want her to be creeped out or uncomfortable. So I probably won't do it. But I really like her. Maybe if I see her around town when she is not working I'll do it. But probably not. Oh well.

I'm lonely

But too damaged to be a good partner. Gotta fix myself first, regardless of how long it may take.

Polyglot City

I love hearing multiple languages spoken in Vancouver. I think it gives our city a stimulating, sophisticated, international vibe.

My Problem

I don't mind putting the needs of others above my own desires, but I've been doing some self reflecting. I believe one of my biggest problems in life has been putting the desires of others above my own needs.

I am stupid and spend imaginary money

I was given a gift to pay off my debt but I have racked it up back again to $30K in 6 months. I only make $34K a year. I am crazy and stupid. It’s a cycle. I pay off the debt and rack it up double time. Last year my spouse and I took time apart and I had to use credit to make ends meet. Today I spent an hour doing simple calculations and plan on paying it off in 2 years. I set aside $50 to splurge on the weekends for the odd ice cream or other expense on the weekends with my son. I told my spouse the truth. I did not lie to him (in the past I would have lied). Going to pay off the smallest credit card in November, tackle the other credit card and hope to be paid off by summer and then full attack payments on the LOC.

Forfeiting friendships for peace

In university, I formed life long friendships with an amazing group of people. My then-gf was also a part of this group. I love this group of friends, but I’ve had sour experiences due to my ex provoking fights with me so I dread having to interact her. Her fiancée doesn’t like me but I’ve never let it bother me because we’ve always been in a group setting when they’re around anyway. We were good friends after our break up but I guess I’m sort of trigger for her, which worsened after she met her fiancée. My confession is I’m willing to lose all the friendships so I can have some peace. My ex consistently making me feel like a bad guy shortly after I accept her apology for acknowledging her behaviour towards me is not something I need in my life. I don’t want our mutual close group of friends to feel like they have to choose between inviting me or her. It’s not fair and everyone should just be happy.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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