

Search confessions

Hey. Wondering

Is anyone else out there having trouble with responding to ads on Craigslist Are you finding alot are scams. Everything Cars for sale Apts for rent Looking for musicians Rides shares Jobs even They seem good at first your chatting about meeting them but then they disappear , or they give you some crazy reason why you can see what for sale or its located on some remote island somewhere. Or they seem to forget about the original ad and just try to chat you up. You call someone about an apt ,you go to the apt and the owner says its rented, i had just spoken with him 15 mins earlier on the phone. An ad is posted for a van I responded right after posting. Right after Its already sold Timing ? Scammy ? Frustrating :(


My co-worker is a nosy person and always looks at my screen to see what I'm doing and then comments about it. However, he doesn't allow anyone to know what is going on in his life...

I miss

the anonymous autonomy i had before getting a smart phone. I'm sad about the loosening of lockdown too. I loved the barely busy roads and mostly empty places. (yes i like people, just not lots of them all day long)

We were young

I married a happy wonderful laid man 33 years ago. He’s now a cranky old man in his sixties. I don’t know what to do. I love him very much.


Sometimes you don’t realize just how much hurt you’ve been suppressing until something happens that just tips you ever so slightly over that invisible line, and before you know it you’re a gibbering mess. So many lousy things have happened over the past several years, and I’ve just been barely managing to hang on. I hardly ever cry anymore; mostly I’m just kind of numb. But in the past few days I learned about something that just really cut deep, and I started crying tonight and couldn’t stop. All night long. I guess I needed to let it out but man do I hate it when I lose it like this! At least there’s no one to witness it but me.

Lucky me

I have a stinky roommate. I wish he believed in deodorant. And showers. And soap. And doing laundry more than once a month. It's so gross.

Easier to drink than chew

That is why I enjoy blending my food where possible. I drink a lot of smoothies. When I lived in California, I used to order meat-shakes as well. Yes, they are a real thing. I don't know... I just get a lot of flavour from these drinks... they can be served hot, cold, luke-warm, whatever.

woke up one day

just decided to go with a guy and woke up one day and realized i wasted my entire youth

I hate this planet so much

Covid fear of disease and poverty, toxic masculinity even by women, dark sarcasm in the classrooms of the police academies. Etc etc . Billionaires in USA raking in anothe 100 bio playing stock market when we all are in the worst of times. My bf trying to do the same thing. Best buying opportunity since WW2. At still i want to fall in love with the planet again. How?

Sometimes love never dies

I met the love of my life nearly 45 years ago. We were together for 2 years and I adored him. He was kinder to me than anyone had ever been, but he wasn't in love with me. Have you ever told someone you love them and heard back, "I know... I'm sorry..." After two years of this and also not being included in parts of his life (socializing with friends, his immediate family -- he was NOT married) I broke it off while I still had enough self-esteem to do so. I haven't so much as laid eyes on him in 40 years, and yet here I am, missing him, thinking of him and still in love with him. I feel like I've been dying of a broken heart since we parted.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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