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Lost treasure

I went camping and put my cooler in the river to keep cold. The water rose overnight and carried it away. I hope someone enjoyed all those big bottles of beer!

No Glory

I intentionally don't remember the names of attempted mass murderers.

Elon to the moon

The TSLA stock split coming up this Monday is by far the most exciting thing in my life right now. I can't possibly explain this to people, what this means to me. I am a novice trader and now I will be able to play probably the most volatile stock ever. I am so excited, yet my non-trader friends, wait I don't have any friends.


In Vancouver ? What a joke every woman abuse help is facility is full, but they can put you on the waiting list. If your still alive, they will call you should something come available. If your still alive !! Great idea stick all the homeless people in all the possible "help places "to hide them away. Then where do you go for help should an emergency arise . Im dumbfounded. Theres no help in the city of Vancouver. I called so many help #'s given out to me. Nothing !! Im scared. Will he kill me ?


I’m fake nice to strangers. I hate most people and I don’t have a minute to spare for idiocy. Most feckless banter makes me cringe and shudder. I enjoy bashing everyone silently to myself. I get sick pleasure from the black hole that is my soul. It’s the only thing that brings me a droplet of sunshine in my mind of murky waters. You’d never know it to look at me, though. I’ve fooled you all!

Potential Banana fetish?

I eat two or three a day sometimes. They go into all of my smoothies and I eat them as a snack when busy. I avoid processed snacks. I am worried about what the cashiers at Donald’s think. I buy them far too often :(

This Isn’t High School!

I will never understand why some people find it necessary to post complaints about their private life on social media. If you can’t deal with your S/O in private, get a counsellor! That is what they are there for. If you don’t have a trusted friend that can help you without offering toxic opinions and sh*t talk that breeds contempt, then don’t talk to your friends about your relationship and certainly don’t put it all over the internet. It makes you look like a giant child that can’t deal with life. Nobody wants to read about your relationship woes. Please, spare us the details!

Reflection/Projection = Rejection

After three failed marriages and multiple girlfriends, my friend of almost 45 years thought that he'd "finally found the one" (his words). She works in the same field as he does (in a different job), makes a similar amount of money, is at the same place in her career as he is, shares most of his interests, is attractive and fit (like he is), and has a very similar sense of humour. They've been joined at the hip for almost a year but today he called me and told me that he didn't think he could see her anymore. "What?" I said. "You've been raving about her for months, saying that she's perfect for you." Well, it turns out she's too perfect for him. Essentially, he came to the crashing realization that he was dating a female version of himself! I know this sounds like a Seinfeld episode or perhaps my friend is a raging narcissist, but it isn't and he's not - a bit of a trophy hunter, maybe, but overall a kindhearted guy. I just wish it hadn't taken him 53 years to discover that he wants to be with someone who isn't a reflection/projection of himself with boobs. I hope that he finds someone who challenges him and surprises him, encourages him to try new things, and expand his horizons. If she's lucky, he'll follow her example.

spouse is quitting smoking

My spouse is quitting smoking and is a completely angry psycho... don't know what, if anything, I can do. Ugh. I hate going home right now. I know it's worse for them, but this really sucks. In sickness and in health, I just keep reminding myself.

Reference Letter

Women talk to each other about everything, right?? I couldn't seem to get her to agree to sleep with me but I thought if I sleep with her mutual friend the word will get around! They'd soon be discussing my technique, size...and then wham, bam thank you ma'am I'll be in all open sesame. Had a great time with the friend...but it didn't help me in my secret mission.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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