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If you ever really loved me....

I would dedicate the song "Take Me Home Tonight" by Eddie Money and Ronnie Spector to you. If you never really loved me, then I would dedicate the song "In The End" by Linkin Park to you. Only you know what song belongs to you.

Interview Fail

I totally bombed my panel interview, but it's okay. I'm just glad it's over.

I'm treating my Facebook addiction with sativa it is working.

I'm in my early thirties and have recently developed a quite severe Facebook addiction. It is negatively affecting my relationship and my employment but that hasn't stopped me from checking my phone every few minutes. I know there are algorithms it's and psychologists at work to ensure that this sort of thing happens to those who are susceptible. Anyway I recently took up smoking again and immediately discovered that what could only be described as my Facebook Cravings immediately went away. I don't want to smoke all the time however because it robs me of my ambition but I think I will use it to cold turkey Facebook for a month and then stop smoking and see what happens.

Last Night

You showed up in my dream looking a little sad, and wanting to talk to me. Then you ran off with another one of your excuses leaving me holding the bag once again.

Elvis Costello

I was listening to the playlist you gave me again and I think I might have missed out by not vocalizing my feelings. I think that you were trying to tell me yours through music but I was too afraid to tell you how I felt. Anyways, I fell hard for you. I still love and miss you. You'll always be a part of me. Maybe one day we'll find our way to each other. Or maybe not. Life goes on for both of us. It's not bad but it could have been epic.


I was watching one of those dating shows on television and this woman said she wanted a guy who drives a Ferrari and is at least seven feet tall. The only people with those characteristics are professional basketball players. I mean how many people do you know that are seven feet tall? I think some dating requirements for women are completely out of touch with reality.

Shake things up

Sometimes I wonder if even those two predicted earthquakes will have an impact on the housing prices in Vancouver, when they invariably hit BC. Will the market crumble with our infrastructure? I guess we'll find out!

I am completely addicted to my phone

I never thought I'd admit the extent of my problem, and 6 years ago I never could have conceptualized the relationship I now have with this device. I don't have kids, but when I do, I will actively seek out a school for them that prioritizises keeping phones out of the classrooms so they can learn how to be people... Even if it makes me a glaring hypocrit

Stoned Again

I sing "Back in the saddle again" to myself while I do chin-ups... but just the first 40 seconds, you know the good part.

Dating Strategy

My strategy for dating is simply numbers. Ask out as many women as possible. Some are bound to say yes. You would be surprised how many cute women are on the rebound or desperate on any given day. Women crave sex just like men and you are bound to get one that's been cheated on recently or in a dry spell. Then don't make yourself too available. Always tell them you'll check your schedule. Make it seem like you have a lot going on. Things like family functions, sports you play, sports you watch, trips. Women want a guy who has a full life. Don't try to impress them with a fancy dinner. Just a normal place is good for a first date. Make yourself mysterious and interesting. Women love gabbing to their friends about whats going on with the guys in their lives. There is nothing wrong with this strategy and I think a lot of guys can use it in their daily lives.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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