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To me ghosting doesn’t necessarily mean breaking up a relationship like boyfriends and girlfriends do. It can also mean cutting toxic people loose from your life. There were some fair weather hypocrites that tried to contact me but really all they did was just use me. And so I had to do the harshest thing possible. I ghosted. Didn’t return any of their text messages or phone calls. I don’t what they’re doing and I don’t really care.

Plague of unworthiness

I can see the beauty in other people and things quite easily, but I have a hard time seeing it in myself.


I just spent 50 dollars on scratch tickets. Money I didn’t really have, I thought just maybe I would win some money. I didn’t. I’m now poorer than I was.

Micro Managing

When I was being interviewed for my current position, my boss asked me - "what qualities do you dislike from a manager" within the first week I quickly realized why he said "I don't believe micro managing is a thing, and I hate when people say that" ....he's the biggest micro-manager out there. Bye bye.

Sorry Mom - I lied.

When I was in Grade Six I stole a carton of cigarettes from the local grocery store. They weren't even a good brand; just what was handy as the clerk looked away. I gave a pack to a friend who's mother subsequently busted him. He confessed that I had stolen them from the store. His mother phoned my mother and told her what I had done. My mother confronted me and asked if I had in fact stolen a carton. Suddenly I was faced with a real dilemma. Do I lie to my mother or confess to being a thief? I quickly decided that being a thief was worse than being a liar so I told her I didn't steal a carton. She fixed me with a steely stare and made me repeat my lie. In that instant I knew that she knew the truth. Sorry Mom but I didn't want to disappoint you. Even though you have long since left this world if it helps; I never stole another thing after that.


Next time I fly out of Vancouver Airport I'm just going to pretend I have business class tickets and eat and drink in their lounge.

Gave my soul to an addict

I met someone 5 years ago. I hadnt dated in years. I fell head over heels in love and i thought he did too. I helped him when he needed help getting on his feet. He was there through a few tragedies in my life. Because of me, he got the life and family back that he lost. We made a life but it turns out he was spending all that he made and borrowing money to fund his fucked up lifestyle. Now i have to start over again. Looking back, i wasnt treated the way i was supposed to be but everyone else was. Not hard to move on when you are someones last choice. Fuck him and the cocaine train he rode in on. I will always be clean and sober. I may not be everyones first choice but i am my first choice.


I confess that sometimes I’m so overcome with the love I feel for my children, grandchildren, and my special guy, that I start crying like a baby. I can’t believe how incredibly lucky I am to still have all of them and I can’t imagine my life without them in it.

30+ years left give or take

1/2 a year in and 1'm starting to worry marriage is basically just arguing about how to cook the potato croquettes while I secretly reminisce about the sex I used to have with the FWB, and then one day I die.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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