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My upstairs neighbour

She's a stomper. Sometimes I don't notice it and sometimes I don't mind. She's a really sweet person and I know she works a lot so cleaning probably falls by the wayside. In the evening it sounds like she's stomping back and forth across her apartment, dropping stuff. If I listen to it, I get annoyed. I wish I could ask her to be quiet but I don't want to create any tension so I'll just put up with it.

Horrible Bosses

I once heard the saying, "people don't quit jobs, they quit their bosses." I think this is absolutely true. I had this piece of shit supervisor for 8 years and I hated every single minute of it. I couldn't afford to quit because I was never able to find a better paying job. This idiot was known throughout the company as incompetent, and he ruined his department in another city. Instead of firing him, they just transferred him over to my location. Ever had one of those bosses who was on thin ice, was never cut out for the job, and constantly breathed down your fucking neck to do more and more so that he wouldn't get in trouble? Yeah, he was one of those. I once got so fed up with his condescending bullshit, I blew up and started swearing at him. I almost got fired (they suspended me a few days instead because I'm actually useful). He's been gone for a few years now, but I'm still so angry from having to bite my lip and put up with his shit for so long. I had to bottle up my anger for the sake of being able to pay my bills and now I actually think its changed me as a person. I've become a dour, insular person because of him. I shouldn't say this, but I often think about tracking him down and beating the shit out of him with a baseball bat or something. It's hard to let go when toxic people have done a lot of harm to you. The plus side: I think I have a much better appreciation for the women in the #MeToo movement who've had to deal with far, far worse.

The Mayor that Stole Vancouver

Homelessness has quadrupled. Thousands of people have been displaced due to renovictions. Suicide in seniors is on the rise due to losing theirs homes, security and pride. Countless businesses have had to shut their doors. Empty condos block the mountain view. Greed has totally destroyed this city.

Nonline Dating

I remember hearing someone saying "online dating is like a part-time job that you don't get paid for." (well the men have to pay to play but thats another story.) You'd have to pay me to try that nonsense again.

50 degrees of separation

I dated a woman whose highschool sweetheart and first partner was a noteable local musician. She told me all about how he would fuck around and fuck up on drugs etc. I never said it, but back in the day I had actually met him at a cute young girl's house - who wasnt the girlfriend.

Polo Shirts

I've been wearing Polo shirts for donkey's years now and I recently decided " I'm fed up with Polo shirts, I'm gonna break out and buy a new style, the short sleeved ones that have buttons all the way up" you know, the ones you can get at Marks or Winners So I carefully picked out three of them (about twenty bucks apiece) and thought that they were unique enough to make my own fashion statement. Well guess what? Every freaking guy had the same idea at the same time and now every other guy I see is wearing the exact same shirt as I am. They've all ditched their Polos! It's true what they say, you're unique .. just like everyone else in the world.

Pull over!

Lately I've noticed a lot of vehicles not pulling over to let emergency vehicles pass and it's pissing me off. If there's an ambulance coming with lights and sirens, there's probably a life at stake. What if it were you or someone you love?

Just As I Predicted

They made a fool out of me but I liked the attention. Now back to being happily single.

The Worst Part

of being vegan is visiting home. My parents simply can't deal with me eating food different than them. My dad adds the word 'vegan' to every food (processed cheese slices, ham, whatever) he takes out of the fridge to eat. He thinks he's really funny. My mother pretends she is vegan. That's actually more annoying. I don't give a f*ck what you eat.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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