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Dear Overdose Crisis

I miss my sister... she died at twenty.. i miss my father... he died at fifty... Cause of death.. Drug Overdose. Cause of addiction ? Child sexual abuse... Lets look at the cause of the pain instead of the drug addict.

We need immigration.

The birthrate of "Old Stock" Canadians is so low our population would be shrinking.

Get out already

I'm sick of Baby boomers clogging up the workforce for the rest of us. Currently I have people in my company pushing 70 who don't know how to use a computer, meaning I have to pull more weight even known they outrank me. And it doesn't help that the Millenails are behind me. Just retire and stop taking "a contract from time to time" you're taking away jobs that those of us in our 30's and 40's need. Then looking at us and saying "Why can't you afford a mortgage?" Just get out!

I Hope You Are Well

Only, well not so much today. Today I'm feeling a little bitter and I find myself hoping instead... wouldn't it be nice if you've suddenly became morbidly obese, or you've developed a weird habit where you pick out all your hair, or at least maybe you will wake this morning with a giant and embarrassing pimple really close to your lip so everyone thinks you're diseased.

Well I did like you said

And walked away. But there's something that's always bugged me - when you said that going back to her was a death wish how did you know? BTW 2 years later she killed a guy and got off on a manslaughter deal

Marriage alternatives

I want to find a person to live with and buy a house but not get into married legal red-tape. I will likely never legitimately marry because I cannot find a long-term partner (yep, one of those permanently single types). I wonder if I can find a platonic life partner for things like buying a house in a joint mortgage.

Blue sky

The sky is clear and blue but I have to share an office with a grey cloud of doom.

f u

you said i could trust you, our friendship was solid, promised it wouldnt mess with work, ooooo how you lied, i should have known , should have trusted my inner screaming voice but nope, was to nice for my own good, ill never trust you again, and dont care if i never see you again, if you where dying and i was the only donor that could save you, id laugh and say no im good.

Seven Year Itch

Seven years later and you're still my #1. Every time I think about you I get moon-faced and googoo-eyed. From coffee chats to the park to the beach, here's to more memories with you.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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