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Life lessons by Confessions

If I have learned anything from reading these Confessions it is that most people will take a generic idea and twist it to suit their circumstances. I have learned to not trust that the average person can exercise objectivity before turning nearly everything about themselves. This has helped me understand people better. Never thought I'd be thankful for the impact of these rants and arguments interspersed between truly interesting Confessions.

Can someone explain

how students creating a totem pole as a as a tribute to Tecumseh in a school is “culturally inappropriate” or a symbol of cultural appropriation? It wasn't created to mock the culture and it wasn't created to take away from the culture. Wouldn't calling this cultural appropriation be like calling any first nations text cultural appropriation because the written word is a major symbol in European culture and didn't exist in north america prior to European arrival.

Platonic friendships..

Thoughts on a platonic friendship with someone you had a fling with, while currently being in a relationship with someone else?

I remember you

And me Briefly holding Hands on Metcalf Street Walking down a dream


Every time I stop thinking about some toxic person from my past, they just show up in my neighborhood out of nowhere. Just when I erase them from my mind, they somehow reappear on the sidewalk or at the mall the next morning. I'm so confused.

I don't want to yuppie

Because of my work, I have to buy fancy corporate young hipster dress. I want baggy jeans and sweatshirts... Will I ever survive this world?


i'm 31. come from a pretty normal childhood in a nice neighbourhood in Vancouver. I don't know how to make more than 1000/month, I can't hold down a job. I have no skills... What do I do?

About Alek

I wrote a confession not long ago that expressed my fears about the male backlash to changing gender relations/hierarchies. I got trolled for writing it. I said that Western society has changed, as men are becoming increasingly redundant to women. Women are content to stay single: rewarding careers, friends, vacations, and the occasional fling are more than enough to keep them happy. But we're now dealing with a generation of many disposable men, rejected by women, and destined to be alone. They don't know how to cope with loneliness and rejection, so they lash out in destructive ways. And that's exactly what happened in Toronto. That was what I was worried about. I don't see things getting any better either. At least not right now. No one seems to have any ideas for how to deal with these men. I wish that I could explain to people like Alek that staying single, even if not by choice, is the new normal for men. There's no point in being angry, blaming women, feeling victimized, or lashing out at others. Is it fair that you'll never experience love or intimacy? Maybe, but so what? Life is unfair. No one owes you anything. You need to let it go, and learn to move on. I don't know what the best way to deal with this problem is, but its something we need to learn to grapple with soon.


The ones who write the rules of the game are the one who are going to excel. Abuse of power is a really quick way to sell one's soul.

Requesting a woman's opinion

I would like to get the female readers to give me their thoughts on this topic.I'm a 46 year old man and when I talk to women I quite often call them "my dear" or "sweetie". When I say it I'm never hitting on them or saying anything inappropriate. I use the terms the way I might call a guy " buddy" or "fella", just a friendly way of showing that I enjoy talking to you and being in your presence. I would like to know from the female readers if they think it's appropriate for me to continue this or should I stop. I usually don't get much feedback from the women I'm talking to either positive or negative concerning this so I would like some honest feedback.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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