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To the pretty girls out there

If your going out on the town tonight have fun tonight & smile, it make you look more attractive & approachable

I confess

I am still crushed about how things ended between us. We had built such a great friendship. In retrospect, the friendship was more important than the intimacy. We had such an easy, playful, natural attraction. I am so sorry for the way I behaved. I was so hurt and irrational. Distance and technology were no help. I miss you so much.

Something Tells Me

That characters like Speedy Gonzales, Peppy Le Peu and The Swedish Chef wouldn't make it into the kid's show's programming now.

Good Grief

So lesbian, Gay rights activist Ellen DeGeneres is defending the homophobic, vile Kevin Hart. The world is definitely crazy, even when it’s not about Trump.

When I was in Rome

I wasn’t a gladiator. I was a bored tourist. Why not just make homemade pizza at home?

I did it.

I've posted previous Confessions about how much my job is driving me crazy. Some of the usual comments were, "Well, what are you going to do about it?" So here's my answer: I gave them my notice and I got a new job.

Crazy life,hope,don't give up,smile more

I was in Miami on vacation,she was moving from Toronto to Vancouver and on vacation in Miami. 7 am walking the beach to see the sunrise,I saw her jogging about 50 meters away and my heart skipped a beat. As she got closer I almost couldn't she got closer she slowed right down to a walk and we both stopped about 10 feet apart...we just looked at each other for a few seconds. I said "Where have you been,I've been all over the world looking for you" She said "So have I". Sat down on a bench,and talked. For hours. Mixed in with time just silent and enjoying the beach. After 5 minutes I knew I was going to marry her. We got up and just held hands,to go for lunch. After lunch,in a store,she was off elsewhere and I made a purchase. Back to the beach,I presented her with the $20 cheap ring I bought and asked her to marry me,she said yes and asked jokingly "How come it took so long to ask?". Thirty minutes later we were at the courthouse,and married...6 hours after we met. We have only been apart once for 4 hours. I have my own online business, she helps with that and helped it grow. We travel 8 months of the year,4 months in Vancouver and are basically glued together. We sleep all tangled up,naked and if we come apart during the night,we wake up. Always shower together and scrub and wash each other's hair,massage each other every day several times. Crazy sex life, we hit it often,regularly,and for hours or quickies. Any time is a good time. Her body is mine to enjoy,and mine is hers to enjoy. Never had an argument. We like pretty much the same things,and in personalities our two are the best match- I'm very outgoing,and she's very shy. To sum it up,we have given 100% of ourselves to each other,and the only thing that matters is that we are together. I never thought I'd end up with someone like this,had long given up hope and planned to travel the world solo. We've been married 6 years now. Not a humble brag.but knowing the general pessimism of Vancouver,reading forums and articles and all the negativity- the place can use some cheering up. The main point is you never know who you will bump into,so get the hell out of the house,smile more, and ladies: you control the situation so smile more and give that shy guy a chance,go and talk to him. Guys,you see her looking wistfully at you-just go over and say hi.

Going native

I've tried to stay human for as long as I could. I've resisted this necessity so far, but it was always inevitable. My resolution for the new year is to care about people less, and about money more. If I'm not focused on my interests, who is? Everybody else is busy looking out for themselves, emotionally and financially. Not necessarily physically. Yeah, I judge. Everybody from the politicians to the bankers to strangers on the street wants more of my money. It's time I focused on making and keeping more of it. Like The Christmas Carol but in reverse. More of a Vancouverite now. It's a Good Thing. Happy New Year.

Line ups

This happens more times then none and it drives me crazy. Standing in a line up during lunchtime at my local Tim Hortons, usually 10 -15 minutes at a time and the person in front of you walks up to the cashier and stands there for 10 minutes reading the menu deciding what to order. Hey b!+€h you just stood in line for 15 minutes couldn't you decide then?

Peace of mind

My confession is that I find comfort in the fact that I have a severe peanut allergy and have made an advanced health care plan (Google it, you can make your own in BC). I survived a bad car crash and have chronic pain, brain injury and ptsd now. They are "mild" on the medical spectrums, and I manage them without opioids, SSRIs or sedatives (no offense meant to people who need these, they just don't work for me - wish they did). It is hard to adjust because I used to be very high functioning. So why the peace of mind? Well, if I get injured worse in the future (i.e. hit by car in a crosswalk by some D bag blowing a 2 way stop, get in another car accident, etc), the plug will be pulled on me so I won't have to be in a long term coma. The plan even specifies to bring me to Vancouver Coastal Health hospitals only (Providence is Catholic so doesn't pull plugs). Also, if my pain ever gets worse or the other injuries get worse (i.e. the slow leak of CSF dripping out of my spine making a cyst, the myofascial pain or migraines), I can eat some Oh Henry bars or a peanut smoothie and call it a day. Fingers crossed it won't come to these options (I'm not depressed or suicidal - have been assessed multiple times), but it reassures me on these rainy siren filled nights when the bad thoughts of my own crash and the searing pain keep me awake. Drive safe out there people! You could destroy or take someone's life in an instant.


Lunch at Las Margaritas

May 28th lunch at Las Margaritas, we both sat at front window tables. I was there with my friend,...

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