Had your bike stolen? Hit up YYoga for a week of free indoor cycling classes

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      Vancouver’s YYoga has launched a new initiative that will help victims of bike theft get back on their feet—or, more accurately, two wheels.

      The local yoga-and-fitness studio is giving away free one-week passes to its YRide indoor cycling classes for anyone who has had their bicycle stolen this summer. The complimentary sessions will offer cyclists a way to stay fit as they work to have their bike recovered or replaced.

      "Bike theft is all too common in Vancouver, and can derail a cyclist's training and spirits," said YYoga president Carey Dillen in a media statement. "We're hoping this offer can help the cycling community stay on track with their fitness goals while they find a way to get back on the road."

      Those interested in taking advantage of YYoga’s free indoor cycling pass must visit one of three participating YYoga locations (88 Burrard Street, 201–1627 West Broadway, or 231–1233 Lynn Valley Road) and present a valid Vancouver Police Department case number from a report filed on or after July 1, 2017.

      The deal is offered until August 31, 2017. All passes must be redeemed before this date.

      YYoga describes its 45-minute YRide class as an “energiving cardiovascular workout” that emphasizes speed, tempo, timing, and rhythm. Over 50 YRide sessions are conducted each week at the YYoga studios listed above.
